SEO Plan


This SEO plan is specifically tailored for Kici Pet Shop to improve SEO rankings. The pet shop offers grooming services and pet walking services to pet owners and pet lovers living in Washington, MD. The key performance indicators (KPIs) of this plan are engagement metrics and conversion rates.


The objectives of this SEO plan are as follows:

1. Increase organic traffic to the Kici Pet Shop website.

2. Improve the visibility of the Kici Pet Shop website in search engine results.

3. Increase the number of conversions from organic search traffic.

4. Increase the engagement metrics of the Kici Pet Shop website.


The strategy for this SEO plan is to focus on the following key areas:

1. On-page optimization: This includes optimizing the content and structure of the Kici Pet Shop website to ensure that it is optimized for search engine crawlers.

2. Off-page optimization: This includes optimizing the backlinks and other external signals to improve the visibility of the Kici Pet Shop website in search engine results.

3. Content optimization: This includes creating high-quality content that is optimized for search engine crawlers and is relevant to the target audience.

4. Keyword optimization: This includes optimizing the website for relevant keywords to ensure that it is visible in search engine results for those keywords.


The budget for this SEO plan is as follows:

Item Cost
On-page optimization $500
Off-page optimization $500
Content optimization $500
Keyword optimization $500
Total $2,000



The timeline for this SEO plan is as follows:

Task Timeframe
On-page optimization 2 weeks
Off-page optimization 2 weeks
Content optimization 4 weeks
Keyword optimization 4 weeks
Total 12 weeks



This SEO plan is designed to improve the visibility of Kici Pet Shop in search engine results and increase organic traffic, engagement metrics, and conversion rates. The plan focuses on optimizing the website for relevant keywords, creating high-quality content, optimizing the website structure and content for search engine crawlers, and optimizing external signals to improve visibility. The budget for this plan is $2,000 and the timeline is 12 weeks.