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7 Email Marketing Tips for Tech Companies

Which marketing method is best for your company? In truth, that question is a tricky one. Any kind of business benefits not just from one way, but a multitude of tactics if it wants to succeed. Those who dream of starting a software business, for example, will find email marketing just as effective as any other method and for good reason. Email marketing is among the most profitable tactics out there, capable of generating thirty times one’s initial investment. Simple as the concept may be, there are still tips you can employ to make success a certainty. Without further ado, here are eight of them:

7 Email Marketing Tips for Tech Companies

Maintain Your List of Subscribers or Users

Knowing whom to cater to is a vital aspect of marketing in general. That’s why no business plan is complete without a section devoted to one’s target market and ideal customers. For that reason, it pays to maintain your list of subscribers as much as possible. This may sound like it caters just to those pre-existing customers, but it can also involve client onboarding. Never make the mistake of thinking you have enough subscribers; you will inevitably lose some for whatever reason, despite your efforts. Continue putting your best foot forward anyway and keep adding to the list.

Make Your Emails Interesting and to the Point

Marketing is at its best when it entices people and enraptures the mind. Nobody has ever made money off boring or subpar campaigns and it’s not going to start with you. When you create an email, always have the customer or client in mind. In doing so, making your email’s contents interesting becomes an easier task. As a tip within a tip so to speak, there are few things that turn people off faster than overly long messages. A report by Digital Information World in 2018 stated that the average human attention span has fallen from twelve seconds back in the year 2000 to just eight presently. In short, an easy way to be interesting is to get straight to the point.

Educate Your Subscribers and Share Tips

Going back to how you can make emails interesting for just a bit, it helps to provide your subscribers with something they find valuable. Success in the marketing industry is when what you are offering sticks with them because it keeps your company on the forefront of their minds. Cater to their needs and wants. For example, if your tech company provides software to other businesses, then perhaps sharing productivity tips or advice on project management would help. Provide them with either new knowledge or a new perspective on something common.

Consider Mobile-Friendly Emails

According to an analysis by Marketing Land, around 66% of people open emails on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. To be more specific, around 47.22% are the ones viewing emails on smartphones; 18.51% prefer tablets. In comparison, desktop PCs are the preferred choice of the other 34.26%. Why not take advantage of these stats and add making mobile-friendly emails to your checklist? If you don’t, then you’re missing out on a lot of potential revenue.

Make Your Messages Personal

Nobody feels joy at the prospect of receiving anything from cold, emotionless programs. Whether it’s a report or a marketing email, it always feels better when a message comes with a personal touch. This is true regardless of whether you are in the tech industry or not. Most email tools provide opportunities for you to submit shortcodes which replaces the names of your emails’ recipients whenever a message is sent out. Another great feature involves the segmentation of your emails to specific audiences.

Have an Irresistible Subject Line

When people try to come up with ways to get clients, a simple solution might be right underneath their noses. According to, emails that come with personal and high-quality subject lines have a 50% greater open rate compared to those with generic or average subject lines. Regarding the former, the open rate is around 20.81%. If this is a bit difficult for you, there are elements that you can keep in mind.

First, there is urgency. Writing a subject line that creates an aura of urgency is a great way to get anybody’s attention. Then there is curiosity. Come up with a line that is both enigmatic and relevant to your company’s products or services. Lastly, there are those subject lines that bring up offers. If there’s one thing that customers love, it’s the chance to get something for free, so take advantage of that. As long as you can keep your promises, then it’s all good.

Keep Track of Your Email Metrics

One last tip to improve your email marketing efforts is to keep track of your metrics. These are what you can use to measure the success rate of what you’ve done so far. Take note that there will be times when the results you get have little to nothing to do with your content. This is because of numerous variables that unexpectedly impact your efforts. Some of these include undeliverable email addresses or what time of the day a segment of your subscribers open their email.

Due to their impact, measuring metrics becomes all the more important. For example, the use of Google Analytics can allow you to tag emails with customized campaign tracking. Doing so will reveal how traffic reaches your landings, along with how your site visitors behave. With such powerful tools at your disposal, it becomes easier to see which of your output is truly helping and which isn’t working at all.

These seven tips clearly vary in terms of complexity. Some of these you can adopt the moment you stop reading this article. Others may take some time to employ in no small part because of the tools that you’ll need to learn how to use first. What we can take away from all of this is that with these tips at your disposal, you should see results with your email marketing sooner rather than later. All it takes is a bit of patience, a lot of consistency, and the right execution.

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