12+ Printable Sample Operating Agreements
Paperwork always comes with the territory of any business. But if you are running a limited liability company (LLC), you may be aware that you need to draft an operational agreement. It is not required by law, but it is the single most important document your company can have (aside from, perhaps, a Confidentiality Agreement), especially if you would rather not be governed by default state rules. You can also see agreement templates.
Agreement Template Bundle
Business Agreement Template Bundle
Operating Agreement Template
Basic Operating Agreement
LLC Operating Agreement Template
Another kind of operating document you may need is an operating lease agreement, quite different from the operating agreement. Whichever you need (often you’ll want both), this list of free, printable documents will help you get a good grounding on the basics.
Printable Restaurant Operating Agreement Template
Sample Business Operating Agreement
Sample Operating Lease Agreement
Sample Operating Level Agreement
Sample Operating Agreement For Corporation
Aircraft Operating Lease Agreement Sample
What Are Operating Agreements?
We will help you understand the ground details of both operating agreements and operating lease agreements, and browsing these samples will give you an even better idea of each.
First of all, LLCs are not actually corporations, and so they do not have “articles of incorporation” to help govern their workings. Instead, an operating agreement will do this for you.
An operating agreement will usually detail company specifics such as
- the number of members (whether it is a sole proprietorship or a multimember partnership)
- the management structure
- investment
- how the profits will be shared
For multimember LLCs, the operating agreement becomes a binding Partnership Agreement between the members.
As for operating lease agreements, these are basically lease contracts with a supplier, usually for a company to acquire equipment and other supplies.
Note that it is not an order form and not something you can use a Consignment Agreement Template for, since it is not an order for goods to own.
These are a subset of the standard lease agreement contract along with a finance lease agreement. The difference is simple:
- A finance lease agreement leases a property for the majority of that property’s duration of usefulness (at the end, the lessee may opt to buy it).
- An operating lease agreement leases a property for less than the property’s useful life, only as far as the company needs it.
Liability Company Operating Agreement Sample
Limited Partnership Operating Agreement Sample
Restaurant Operating Agreement Sample
Free Operating Agreement Sample
There will often be a lot of partnerships and collaborations just to keep your company operational. You will need everything from an equipment lease agreement for critical tools you can’t afford to own, and maybe even a Consulting Agreement Template to “lease” service and outside help.
This list covers both kinds of company operation documents you will most likely need, which you can download as free PDF documents for useful reference in drafting your own agreements.
All of these samples are for the more important operating agreement for LLC governance, while the Sample Operating Lease Agreement (for leasing the use of a golf course) and the Aircraft Operating Lease Agreement Sample are thrown in to give you a glance at what constitutes operating lease agreements for large, expensive equipment and real estate. These can be adapted to cover most other equipment and property under lease.