6+ Supply Agreements for a Restaurant, Cafe & Bakery – PDF, Word
Supplies are needed by every small business to survive. Although supplies may mean different things for each business (for example, supplies for clothing stores can either be shirts, pants, or shoes, while supplies for an auto company can either be four-wheeled automobiles or automobile parts), they are used to for the company’s daily operations with the aim of the supplies being converted into goods to be sold to consumers. Scroll down to check out some of our agreement samples.
Agreement Template Bundle
Restaurant Supply Agreement Template
Ensure that all of your restaurant supply demands are met without any hassle by coming up with a well-written supply agreement that is drafted with the help of our above-shown agreement template in Word. List the terms & conditions, payment details, and other such important information by opening this document in any file format of your choice. Download now!
Supply Agreement Template
Check out this ready-made supply agreement template that allows involved parties to outline the terms and conditions on the supply of products in a professional and legal manner. Upon downloading it in any file format, you can customize it on any preferred software on your PC or mobile device. You can use it for your restaurant, bakery or cafe business.
Dealer Purchase Agreement Form
The goods are expected to be translated to sales for the company in which the sales will be used to recover all the company’s expenses (cost of goods sold, tax expenses, salary expenses, and other overhead expenses), and the amount remaining from all the deducted expenses results in income for the company. Before restaurants could get their supplies, they first need to sign a supply agreement with the supplier. Here are some supply agreements and other multipurpose agreement templates you can use.
Document Distribution Agreement
When it comes to restaurants, the supplies which are needed for daily operations are mostly food ingredients. These ingredients can be pork, beef, fish, chicken, vegetables, fruits, condiments, and other artificial ingredients (such as additives, preservatives, and flavor substitutes) used to create dishes. Unfortunately, not all restaurants can provide their own supplies for their use. Most restaurants, especially the startups, do not produce or manufacture their own ingredients or tools.
Even the most popular restaurants and fast-food chains do not even produce their goods as they partner with suppliers so that supplies will be delivered to their restaurants daily. These restaurants would rather use the money coming in from their sales for other important expenses such as salaries, rent, and other overhead expenses. It will be much more expensive for restaurants to maintain a farm or land where they grow all of their produce. Their expenses will double as they will be spending on fertilizers, water, and labor, and this does not even include the costs of purchasing and maintaining farm equipment.
Equipment Purchase Agreement
How to Create a Supply Agreement?
Supply agreements are needed for your restaurant, cafe, or bakery. They make sure supplies are replenished in your restaurant daily. Here are some tips when making supply agreements:
1. Don’t Forget the Executive Summary
Executive summaries are found in almost all business documents, although they are more prominent in marketing business plans and feasibility studies. The executive summary is usually found on the very first part of any business document, as it is a summary of the entire document and prepares the reader for what’s to come in the entire document.
Executive summaries are very handy if the recipient of the agreement wants to know more about the company (or in this case, the restaurant). Even if the restaurant and the supplier have already met and discussed the terms of the supply agreement, it is much better if additional details, especially the executive summary, are put into writing to make the agreement more formal.
2. Specify the Supply Terms
Your agreement with the supplier will depend mostly on the supplies he or she will deliver to your restaurant regularly. That is why you need to specify the terms of supply in the agreement. Supplies can either mean food or other kitchen utensils and tools; either way, the exact amount of supplies need to be delivered to your restaurant so that business operations can run smoothly.
Listing down the exact amount or specifying the supply terms is a no-brainer when it comes to supply agreements. You do not want to run out of ingredients when your restaurant is receiving several orders at the same time. Listing down a lower quantity of certain ingredients or supplies such as pork or table napkins in the agreement, then when the time comes the need for these items do not match your actual supply, you could end up in big trouble and you lose several customers (maybe including your loyal ones).
3. Specify the Payment Terms
The importance of supply terms goes hand in hand with payment terms. Unless you are growing your ingredients or manufacturing your equipment, you have to pay the supplier. Both of you can benefit from the agreement as your restaurant will be receiving high-quality supplies which you will be selling to your customers, and the benefit which the supplier will gain is receiving payment from your pockets. You may also like supply contract templates.
You should specify the payment terms in the lease agreement so that there will be clarity between you and the supplier regarding the payment terms, and also to avoid any future legal action in terms of lack of payment. You should also take note of inflation in terms of supplies as prices for all sorts of goods, especially raw ingredients for food dishes such as meat, vegetables, fruits, salt, pepper, sugar, flour, etc. gradually increase every few months. The agreement should be comprised of a section where price inflation is included. It is up for you to negotiate with your suppliers on the prices in terms of inflation.
4. Include an Option Stating that the Agreement can be Terminated at Any Time
When things are going well with you and your supplier, you are hoping that the situation stays that way and there is no need to cancel any form of a written agreement with you and the supplier. The relationship between any company and a supplier depends on trust and quality. That relationship develops when the supplier provides consistent high-quality products to a specific company and that company also consistently provides adequate payment to the supplier. You may also like business non-compete agreements.
Do not be afraid to pull the plug on the supplier if he or she is not performing on his or her end of the agreement. List it down in the supply agreement when you can terminate the agreement at any time when issues arise in the delivery of supplies (such as the quality of goods delivered is compromised, the late delivery of goods, arguments with the supplier, costs of goods and other restaurant items being too expensive, etc. This portion of the supply agreement should be discussed ahead of time with the supplier so that the supplier will not be surprised or confused if the situation arises when the agreement gets terminated.
5. Keep it Short and Concise
Supply agreements don’t need to be very lengthy, as you will only be listing down and specifying the payment and supply terms as well as incorporating the executive summary. Keep your supply agreements short and concise, and get directly to the point so that the supplier won’t have to navigate several pages just to see the section where he will be paying or providing the supplies. You may also like vendor agreement samples.
Do not write your supply agreement like a business plan where you will be including sections like marketing and finance. If you want to give a short description of your product or company and how it gives an advantage to other competitors, list it down in the executive summary instead.
Exclusive Distribution Agreement
Restaurant Consulting Agreement
Final Thoughts:
If you are looking for a supplier in your location or even in another location, price and quality are two factors that you should highly consider. The supplies may be cheap, but the quality is very inferior compared to your competitors, or quality is very good but the price is unreasonably high; either way, you should strike a balance between quality and price. If you managed to get a good deal, you can maximize your profits as you will be earning more while spending much less. You may also like legal agreement templates.
Quality should never be compromised when you are selling any type of product especially when it comes to restaurant supplies. In restaurants, raw ingredients still need to be converted or mixed with another ingredient before they can be cooked and served. Customers will know if a dish does not taste well, especially if low-quality ingredients are used.
The restaurant’s rating among its customers will decrease and it will now be hard for the restaurant to gain new customers. You may have to compromise on the price for a while as long as you won’t be spending over your projected budget since higher costs will result in lower-income. You may also like business agreement templates.