Table of Contents
- 10+ Field Inspection Form Templates in PDF | DOC
- 1. Field Inspection Application Form Template
- 2. Field Verification Inspection Form in DOC
- 3. Field Inspection Report Form Template
- 4. Field Inspection Protocol Form Format
- 5. Field Inspection Form Template
- 6. Field Structural Inspection Approval Form Simple
- 7. Sample Field Inspection Form
- 8. Field Inspection Request Form Template
- 9. Printable Program Field Inspection Form
- 10. Sale Contract Field Inspection Form Template
- 11. Professional Field Inspection Form
- How to Do the Field Inspection?
- What are the Objectives of a Field Inspection?
- What are the General Principles of Field Inspection?
10+ Field Inspection Form Templates in PDF | DOC
A field inspection form is a form that is filled or prepared by the field inspector as a part of the field inspection process. It is the form that documents all the information about the field inspection. But it should be noted that there can be different types of form related to field inspection. It can be an application form, verification form, report form, protocol form, request form, approval form, etc.
10+ Field Inspection Form Templates in PDF | DOC
1. Field Inspection Application Form Template
2. Field Verification Inspection Form in DOC
3. Field Inspection Report Form Template
4. Field Inspection Protocol Form Format
5. Field Inspection Form Template
6. Field Structural Inspection Approval Form Simple
7. Sample Field Inspection Form
8. Field Inspection Request Form Template
9. Printable Program Field Inspection Form
10. Sale Contract Field Inspection Form Template
11. Professional Field Inspection Form
How to Do the Field Inspection?
Stage 1: Field Inspection During Sowing
This includes educating the farmer into participating in certified seed production. Be it for the first time for the farmers or the first time for crop production, it is important to maintain the good quality of the seeds.
Stage 2: During Pre-Flowering or Vegetative State
In this stage, the inspector educates the grower about new and different corrective measures that the grower can use to prevent any type of problem with the plants.
Stage 3: During the Flowering Stage
In this stage, the inspector has to check whether the corrective measures that were suggested earlier have been applied or not. Checking the land and the isolation requirements, planting ratio and the source of the seeds is important. The inspector has to note in detail all the contamination factors. As an inspector, you have to advise the farmer to keep on roughing during the flowering season.
Stage 4: During the Post-Flowering and Pre-Harvesting Stage
In this stage also the inspector needs to check that the correctives isolations measures that were suggested earlier are being applied and carried out or not.
Stage 5: During the Time of Harvesting
This is the last stage of the inspection that is conducted on the seed crop. During this stage, details are gathered from various factors. Whether the isolation requirements are met or not that is also checked. The inspector also has the responsibility to give instructions to the farmers and about the process of harvesting and the supply of the crop to the processing plants.
Stage 6: Observation of the Contamination
This stage is very important. The crops can get ruined if there is any kind of contamination in any of the processes that will take place after the harvesting is done. The categories of contamination can be divided into five categories.
There are plants of the same crop species having a difference in some characters like plant type branching habit, pigmentation, etc. These types of contaminations can be noted as the off-type contamination which the inspector has to inspect.
Pollen Shedders
In the case of the production of the hybrid seeds, a cytoplasmic-genetic male-sterile is used three different lines. The inspector has to check that the three different lines are not mixed the contamination is avoided to keep all the three lines pure.
Shedding Tassels
The inspector must note that the tassels in the female plants are shredded. If they have not been removed completely, it should be done before the counting begins. The plants whose tassels are not removed or shedding has not yet commenced are not counted. There can be a category of “not commenced shedding” to make the counting process faster.
Inseparable Other Crop Plants and Other Objectionable Wee Plants
During the plantation, some seeds and plants look so similar that they are difficult to distinguish. If during the growth stage there is no difference it will not be counted. But if there is any difference found during the maturing stage then further verification has to be made during the inspection process.
Diseased Plants
The plants which are affected by any kind of disease should be counted by the inspector and should be removed from the side fields.
What are the Objectives of a Field Inspection?
The objectives are stated below:
- To identify the source or the origin of the seed and its variety.
- To gather information about the cropping history of the field. This important to know whether the seed field meets the requirements of the land.
- Checking the crop and the cultivation conditions.
- Identification of the isolation distance.
- Freedom from impurities which can be other crop plants and weed plants.
- Freedom from other seed born diseases.
What are the General Principles of Field Inspection?
- The inspection should be done by well-trained professionals. The inspector should be aware of the requirements of the inspection.
- The inspection should follow the mentioned procedures and techniques. It should also follow the number of inspections to be conducted in the certification standards.
- The inspections should be conducted without any prior notice.
- The seed inspector should fully cooperate with the cooperators in case he gets rejected from the field.
- The seed inspector should inspect all the informations about the seeds that have arrived. This can be the species, variety, origin, cultivation area, class of the seed, the cropping history of the field that is being cultivated, know the adjacent field and its quality, etc.
- The seed grower should back the boundary of the field.
- During the inspection, it is important that the inspector must inspect, varieties and impurities, plants which are diseased, condition of the crops, etc.
With the help of the information provided above, you can prepare the field inspection form that you want to prepare you can develop the exact form that is necessary. Here are some templates provided as an example that you can download so that you can get ideas for the structure and the format that you would like to use.