41+ Free Inventory Templates
Conducting an inventory is a regular practice among all businesses and companies regardless of their field and nature. For it is only through counting of each item and stock involved that they get to know the actual value on hand, the actual number of items that need to be disposed of at once, and the status of their current assets.
Given its integral role within company operation, higher management would introduce the business guide to inventory control in order to limit the quantities of stocks and available items or products on hand. In addition to the guide, they also resort to using some downloadable inventory templates whose various samples are provided below.
Free Computer Inventory Templates
Campus Computer Labs
Computer Hardware Inventory
School Children Computer
Asset Inventory
Asset Tracking
Information Asset
Blank Asset
How to Create Free Inventory Management Template in Excel?
When making an inventory management template one has to have an in-depth knowledge about business inventory to be able to create functional Excel inventory templates.
Here are some tips in creating an inventory template in Excel:
- Launch the program, click New, choose blank sheet.
- When it comes to rows and columns, adjust its width and height as well. You may even combine a number of cells into one using Merge.
- Input the title of the document at the top, as well as the date.
- On the following rows, input the labels of the data you need to have a complete file. Use a bold format for the text. You can even highlight the cells by changing the color.
- Go to File, Save As a template.
How to Audit and Manage IT Inventory
Dealing with information technology inventory requires a handful of details as well as stock knowledge of the latest technological products. But to effectively manage an inventory, a few guides are written below:
- For inventories, the Excel application is recommended.
- Create a table consisting of various rows and columns, and there you can write down the factors such as the:
- product name and description,
- manufacturer,
- serial number, and the like.
Observe the same guidelines in creating landlord inventory template as well.
Access Inventory
Employee Access
Book Inventory
Library Book
Free Book
Comic Book
Business Inventory
Craft Business
Small Business
Free Business
Data Inventory
Personal Data
School Data
Data Asset
How to Create Free Inventory Spreadsheet Template
Drafting a free inventory spreadsheet template is similar to creating other templates such as inventory tracking templates and IT inventory template, as discussed above. Above-average computer skills plus thorough knowledge about the topic could definitely take you further towards templates making.
Some points are also taken into account in drafting the same, and they are enumerated as follows:
- For inventories purposes, Excel is the preferred way of documenting and recording data. This is because of its built-in spreadsheet. You can add formulas to every cell, enabling you to work with numbers a lot more easily. It also has the ability to create graphs as well as pivot tables based on the date you have collected.
- Follow the standard procedure in opening and modifying a blank spreadsheet. Check some online tutorials as well should you need one for your smooth working flow with Excel.
- When it comes to formatting, base your layout on the number of headings you need to include.
- In case you miss out some important details, you can add them later.
- For more ideas about inventory templates, you may consult some downloadable inventory templates online to verify whether your spreadsheet is functional or needs improvement.
Daily Inventory
Restaurant Daily
Daily Tracking
Daily Sales
Equipment Inventory
Equipment Record
Society Equipment
Machinery Equipment
Food Inventory
Food Storage
Bakery Food
Home Inventory
Home Contents
Home Owners
Home Furniture
Home Property
How to Create A Home Inventory
Home inventory is ideal for use by mothers, homeowners, and residents as it allows them to have an overview of each of their furniture and appliance. The same is useful for insurance purposes as well.
In creating a sample of home inventory or simple inventory templates, there are several factors that need to be considered.
You may already have your draft or list of valuable items, furniture, and appliance that you will surely include in your sheet. Here are some of the inclusions of a home inventory, so make sure to have a column for each category in your spreadsheet:
- Item Name
- Item Description
- Origin or Manufacturer
- Model or Serial Number
- Date of Purchase
- Purchased Price
- Sub-Totals
- Discounts (if any)
- Net Total
Why Do You Need Inventory Templates
Having few samples of inventory templates, such as retail inventory templates, provides companies or homeowners a great relief because it gives them a summary of all the items or products under their custody. In addition to this,
- Inventory templates provide product sellers an estimated cost as to the value of the items that are sitting in their warehouse and would need further effort to dispose of.
- They allow in-house purchasers to better manage their in- and outgoing transactions.
- They also allow company analysts to determine whether their products are weak or strong to the market.
- For homeowners, they serve as their master’s list of all the items, furniture, and appliances found inside their house.
- Inventories are also effective for claiming insurance by both the companies and homeowners.
Landlord Inventory Templates
Private Landlord
Landlord Property
Monthly Inventory
Monthly Inventory Report
Monthly Inventory Record
Monthly Food
Office Inventory
Office Supply
Office Equipment
Office Furniture
Property Inventory
Rental Property
Personal Property
Property Verification Survey
Product Inventory
Non-Billable Product
Manufacture Product
Liquidation Product
Guidelines for Inventory Template?
The importance of inventory templates has prompted businesses, companies and homeowners to take extra care of their specific inventories. Such documents, as emphasized, cannot be done overnight. Indeed, it requires a lot of time to check each item’s details and count its respective quantities.
Because of these reasons, some guidelines are being taken into consideration:
- You must ensure that every detail you entered into your template is correct and has been verified in order to secure the document’s veracity later on.
- You may check on some available inventory templates online, such as Computer Inventory Templates, and have them printed out in case you want to do more research about inventories.
- Include general terms and description when you are drafting your template to avoid needing extra time deleting and editing some unnecessary context on your next template layout.
- Always have a backup copy of your files. Try saving a copy into your USB or laptop for future purposes.
With these factors in mind, you will no longer have a problem once your main file got corrupted or would prompt some errors. As they say, it is better to be extra prepared than be sorry for negligence and have all your efforts gone in a minute.