Table of Contents
- 5 Steps to Draft a Membership Resignation letter
- 14+ Membership Resignation Letter Templates
- 1. Free Membership Resignation Letter
- 2. Free Club Membership Resignation Letter
- 3. Free Church Membership Resignation Letter
- 4. Free Board Membership Resignation Letter
- 5. Membership Resignation Letter Template
- 6. Sample Membership Resignation Letter
- 7. Membership Resignation Letter Example
- 8. Directors Membership Resignation Letter
- 9. Board of Resignation Letter Sample
- 10. Simple Membership Resignation Letter
- 11. Annual Membership Resignation Letter
- 12. Membership Association Resignation Letter
- 13. Membership Resignation Letter Information
- 14. CEO Membership Resignation Letter
- 15. Notification for Membership Resignation Letter
14+ Membership Resignation Letter Templates in Google Docs | Word | Pages | PDF
Suppose you are a part of a Club that no longer provides services like they used to, or maybe you are shifting to a different location and need to withdraw your Gym membership? Verbally announcing the same is not enough especially if you have brought the membership at a price. In such a case, you need to write a formal membership resignation letter informing about the resignation of membership.
5 Steps to Draft a Membership Resignation letter
A membership resignation has to be carefully drafted since more often than not issues of refund are involved. The steps to follow for writing a membership resignation form are:
Step 1: Mention the Details
This includes your name, phone number, dates of joining and resignation, etc. This would initiate the process as fast as the organization or company would identify you easily.
Step 2: Give Proper Reasons for Withdrawal
The owners have the full right to know why you have decided to resign the membership. This can be in the form of a formal statement or feedback for improvement for the authority.
Step 3: Let Them Know About the Pending Amount
A direct approach is the best when monetary matters are involved. Get across to the authorities in a straightforward approach.
Step 4: Thanking Them
No matter what do not forget to thank the authorities before resigning the membership. This could be accompanied by feedback.
Step 5: Attach Photocopies of Membership Cards If Any
Attested proofs of membership should be attached to the letter along with other mentioned documents.
14+ Membership Resignation Letter Templates
1. Free Membership Resignation Letter
This membership resignation letter can be downloaded for free. You can now draft a simple resignation of membership letter without any hassle. This letter template is concise stating a request for withdrawal and a proof. Templates prepared by us can be downloaded for free and simply customized.
2. Free Club Membership Resignation Letter
Part of a club that do not have a good crowd these days? Draft a resignation letter and let them know about the withdrawal with some suggestions on improvement. This free letter template by us can be downloaded effortlessly for these purposes and simply filled in and forwarded to the respective authorities.
3. Free Church Membership Resignation Letter
This church resignation letter falls under a category of template that lists the format and manner in which the resignation letter of withdrawal of church membership should be drafted. Download this template in a jiffy and draft a church membership resignation.
4. Free Board Membership Resignation Letter
In case you are part of the heading commitee of a football team and no longer wish to be so. You can write a letter of resignation of membership from the board formally by using this membership termination letter template and draft one by filling up your details.
5. Membership Resignation Letter Template
This membership resignation letter template comprise the categories of name, phone number, date of joining, experience sheet, reason of withdrawal options. One needs to answer them correctly and get a ready made copy of resignation of membership letter in hand.
6. Sample Membership Resignation Letter
This sample membership resignation letter created by us can now be downloaded and followed to create your own resignation letter. You can take help of the vocabulary too to make your letter formal yet polite. This template will do all that for you.
7. Membership Resignation Letter Example
Seeing a membership resignation letter example for a certain situation will tell you how to draft your own letter. The tone should be given special care. This example template is going to help you in this.
8. Directors Membership Resignation Letter
This volunteer resignation letter provides the format that the authorities like board members, associates, directors need to follow in case they are putting down their duties. Examples are also provided by us in the form of templates which you can take help from for formats and real life examples.
9. Board of Resignation Letter Sample
Seeing a sample, will tell you how to draft a letter in case you are a part of a board. This is because in a board, your membership involves more than one person’s concern and thus this letter has to be carefully planned or you can take help from this pre-drafted letter template in PDF.
10. Simple Membership Resignation Letter
This simple resignation template includes only the basic details of the membership and a reason explained briefly for withdrawal. It does not have a very strict format. The template has arranged the details in such a way that you can draft a resignation letter easily.
11. Annual Membership Resignation Letter
In case you have been a member of a bank where you have availed services for only a year for your benefit and now need to withdraw, you can follow this template of membership termination letter in order to give a resignation in form of a feedback of how you liked the service sthat the organisation has given you which in turn could reflect upon your reason for withdrawal.
12. Membership Association Resignation Letter
Part of an association where you were prestigiously elected? Now thinking of how to resign? Simply follow the guidelines of this membership association resignation template to know how you should begin the approach to resignation and then draft your letter easily.
13. Membership Resignation Letter Information
Every resignation letter has some basic format which involves mentioning the details of one’s self or the resigning member and the reason for withdrawal alongwith mentioning the pending amount (if any). These have to be mentioned at every cost in case you are writing the letter formally. In this membership termination template the field are asked for. You need to fill up the necessary information and you are ready to go.
14. CEO Membership Resignation Letter
In case the head of a company is resigning and the entire company needs to be informed that, it can be done bytaking help from this CEO resignation letter sample. A resignation form informs the entire organisation that the CEO is resigning, thanking them for their service and mentioning who is take him/her over. The letter is highly formal.
15. Notification for Membership Resignation Letter
A notification of resignation mentions the current status of a member and his desire to resign in new future. Reason is again an important point here along with the personal details of the resignee. It is however, a letter forwarded by the company where the resignee needs to mention his desire for resignation and not written by the resignee. You can take help of this notification of membership resignation template in PDF and get going.