Ohio Transfer On Death Affidavit

Ohio Transfer On Death Affidavit


COUNTY OF [Your County]


I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Address], being of sound mind and legal capacity, do hereby declare and affirm this Transfer on Death Affidavit for the purpose of passing on my real estate property located at [Property Address], hereinafter referred to as the "Property," to the designated beneficiaries upon my death.

I identify the real estate property subject to this affidavit as follows:

  • Property Address: [Property Address]

  • Legal Description: [Property Legal Description]

I hereby designate the following individuals/entities as beneficiaries who shall receive the Property upon my death:

  1. [Beneficiary Name]

  2. [Beneficiary Name]

  3. [Beneficiary Name]

In the event that any of the designated beneficiaries predecease me or are unable to receive the Property for any reason, the share of that beneficiary shall pass to the surviving designated beneficiaries equally.

I reserve the right to revoke or amend this Transfer on Death Affidavit at any time during my lifetime by executing a new affidavit or by any other legally recognized means.

Confirmation of Intent

I affirm that it is my intention for the designated beneficiaries to receive the Property upon my death, and I understand that this transfer will occur without the need for probate proceedings.

I understand the legal implications of this Transfer on Death Affidavit and affirm that I have the legal authority to designate beneficiaries for the transfer of the Property.

This Transfer on Death Affidavit shall be governed by the laws of the State of Ohio.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this [Date].

[Your Name]

[Witness' Name]

Signed and sworn to before me this [Date].

[Notary Public Name]

[Notary Public Title]

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