Tennessee Limited Power of Attorney

Tennessee Limited Power of Attorney

I. Appointment of Attorney

I, [Your Name], of [Your Address], hereby appoint [Agent's Name], of [Agent's Address], as my attorney-in-fact (hereinafter referred to as the "Agent"), to act on my behalf and to perform the following specific actions and powers, subject to the limitations set forth herein:

II. Purpose

The purpose of this Limited Power of Attorney is to authorize [Agent's Name] to act on my behalf in all matters related to the sale of my property located at [Property Address], including:

  1. Negotiating contracts for the sale: Authorizes the agent to engage in discussions with potential buyers or their representatives to reach mutually acceptable terms for the sale of the property.

  2. Executing deeds and other legal documents necessary for the sale: Grants the authority to sign and execute all legal documents required for transferring ownership of the property, including deeds, transfer documents, and any other necessary paperwork.

  3. Signing all necessary paperwork related to the sale: Allows the agent to sign all documents related to the sale on behalf of the principal, including contracts, disclosures, and any other paperwork required by law or by the parties involved in the transaction.

  4. Attending closings on my behalf: Permits the agent to represent the principal at the closing of the sale, where final documents are signed, funds are exchanged, and ownership of the property is officially transferred.

  5. Handling any related financial transactions: Authorizes the agent to manage financial aspects of the sale, such as receiving and disbursing funds, paying closing costs, and any other financial transactions necessary to complete the sale of the property.

III. Powers Granted

I grant my Agent the authority to undertake the following actions and powers:

  1. Signing Contracts: The Agent can negotiate, execute, and sign contracts for the sale of my property at [Property Address].

  2. Managing Investments: The Agent can buy, sell, and manage stocks, bonds, and securities, with a maximum of $X per transaction.

  3. Accessing Bank Accounts: The Agent can access my accounts at [Name of Bank] for transactions like depositing funds and paying bills, excluding opening or closing accounts.

  4. Handling Real Estate Transactions: The Agent can manage all aspects of real estate transactions, including buying, selling, leasing, and executing necessary documents.

  5. Making Health Care Decisions: The Agent can make healthcare decisions, including treatment consent and communication with healthcare providers, as per Tennessee law and any provided directives.

IV. Limitations

The powers granted to my Agent under this Limited Power of Attorney are strictly limited to the purposes outlined above and do not include any powers not expressly provided herein.

V. Duration

The moment the signing of this Limited Power of Attorney takes place, it shall come into effect instantaneously. Once in effect, it shall possess full power and continue to hold that power and impact until a specified date, which is [Date]. However, I possess the right to put an end to it or revoke it anytime before the specified date, only if such revocation is made and conveyed in writing by me.

VI. Revocation

I am retaining the ability and authority, at my discretion, to cancel and terminate this Limited Power of Attorney whenever I deem it fit. This revocation can be done by sending a written notice, comprising my intention to repeal this power, to my Agent. The termination of the Limited Power of Attorney will take effect as soon as the written notice has been successfully delivered and received by the Agent.

VII. Governing Law

The interpretation and governing of this Limited Power of Attorney will be conducted under and under the laws that are in place in the State of Tennessee.


[Your Name]


[Agent's Name]


We, [Witness 1 Name], residing at [Witness 1 Address], [Witness 2 Name], residing at [Witness 2 Address] in the Province of [Province/Territory], Canada, hereby acknowledge that [Your Name] has signed and executed this Power of Attorney in my presence on [Date].

[Witness 1 Name]


[Witness 2 Name]



On this Date, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared [Your Name], known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

Witness my hand and official seal.

[Notary Public's Name]

My Commission Expires:            

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