Non Employee Code of Conduct

Non Employee Code of Conduct

Welcome to [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. This Code of Conduct outlines the expectations for behavior and interactions involving all non-employee personnel, including contractors, vendors, visitors, and other temporary staff. Adherence to this code is mandatory to maintain a professional and safe working environment.

I. Purpose and Scope

This Non-Employee Code of Conduct aims to ensure that all activities within the premises of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and during the execution of its business uphold the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. The code applies to all individuals who are not full-time employees but engage with [YOUR COMPANY NAME] on various fronts.

II. General Conduct Expectations

  • Respect the rights, differences, and dignity of others.

  • Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies governing [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s operations.

  • Maintain confidentiality of proprietary or sensitive information.

  • Avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof.

  • Report any unethical behavior or policy violations to [YOUR COMPANY NAME] through [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL] or contact via [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER].

III. Professional Conduct Specifics



Onsite Conduct

Exhibit behavior that is exemplary to others, including cleanliness and orderliness of the workspace.


Communicate effectively, clearly, and respectfully with all members of the workforce.

Privacy and Security

Adhere to [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s security protocols, including data security policies to safeguard sensitive information.

IV. Compliance with Safety and Health Regulations

  • Follow all health and safety guidelines and reporting procedures for accidents and incidents established by [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

  • Wear appropriate safety gear and personal protective equipment as required for your activities.

V. Violations of the Code

Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in immediate cessation of the business relationship and other consequences as defined in our contractual agreements. Continuous monitoring and enforcement of these guidelines are in effect to ensure adherence.

VI. Contact and Reporting Procedures

For questions or to report a violation of this Code of Conduct, please contact [YOUR COMPANY NAME] through the following methods:



  • Visit us at: [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS]

VII. Acknowledgment

By engaging with [YOUR COMPANY NAME], you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the Code of Conduct and all related policies and procedures.

For further information on our company policies, please visit our website at [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE] or follow us on [YOUR COMPANY SOCIAL MEDIA].

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