Student-Athlete Code of Conduct

Student-Athlete Code of Conduct


As a student-athlete representing [University Name], you are held to high standards of conduct both on and off the field/court. This Student-Athlete Code of Conduct outlines the expectations and responsibilities for all student-athletes to maintain a balance between academic excellence and athletic commitments.

II. Academic Responsibilities

  • Attend all classes regularly and punctually.

  • Complete all assignments and assessments to the best of your ability.

  • Communicate promptly with professors or instructors regarding any scheduling conflicts due to athletic commitments.

  • Utilize academic support services provided by the university to enhance your academic performance.

  • Maintain a minimum GPA as required by both the university and the athletic department.

III. Athletic Commitments

  • Attend all team practices, meetings, and competitions unless excused by the coaching staff.

  • Arrive on time and fully prepared for all team activities.

  • Adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the coaching staff and athletic department.

  • Respect teammates, coaches, opponents, officials, and all other individuals involved in athletic activities.

  • Maintain physical fitness and adhere to any training or conditioning programs outlined by the coaching staff.

IV. Time Management

  • Develop and maintain a balanced schedule that allows for both academic and athletic commitments.

  • Prioritize academic responsibilities over extracurricular activities whenever necessary.

  • Utilize time management techniques to effectively allocate time for studying, practice, competition, and personal activities.

  • Seek assistance from academic advisors or coaches if struggling to manage time effectively.

V. Conduct and Behavior

  • Represent [School Name] with integrity and sportsmanship at all times.

  • Refrain from engaging in any form of cheating, plagiarism, or academic dishonesty.

  • Avoid behaviors that may reflect negatively on yourself, your team, or the university.

  • Adhere to all university policies and regulations, both on and off campus.

  • Demonstrate respect for diversity and inclusion within the university community.

VI. Consequences of Violations

Violations of this Student-Athlete Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to:

  • Suspension from athletic competitions.

  • Loss of athletic scholarship.

  • Academic probation or suspension.

  • Mandatory participation in educational programs or community service.

VII. Acknowledgment

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the expectations outlined in the Student-Athlete Code of Conduct. I agree to abide by these expectations and accept the consequences of any violations.






Coaching Staff


Athletic Director


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