Child Care Environment Checklist

Child Care Environment Checklist

This Child Care Environment Checklist prioritizes natural elements indoors and outdoors, fostering a calming environment and encouraging exploration through nature-based activities like walks and gardening.

Outdoor Play Area

Indoor Environment

Nature-Based Activities

  • Natural materials for sensory play

  • Wooden furniture and plants

  • Nature walks to observe flora and fauna

  • Greenery for shade and aesthetics

  • Nature-themed artwork and materials

  • Gardening for hands-on learning

  • Nature-inspired play structures

  • Natural light through windows

  • Outdoor art with natural materials

  • Open grassy areas for games

  • Nature-related books and puzzles

Nature-inspired sensory experiences

  • Safe environment with secure fencing

  • The calming atmosphere for learning

  • Free play in natural settings

Environment Templates @