Letter of Medical Necessity for Surgical Assistant

Letter of Medical Necessity
for Surgical Assistant

George Maxwell, MD

Solace Hospital

953 Harrison St.

San Francisco CA 94107

January 1, 2050

Jackie Ryker

Solace Insurance

1600 Central Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 67890

Dear Ms. Ryker,

I am writing to bring to your attention an important matter regarding the reimbursement of surgical assistant services for our patient, Jill Winters.

As you may be aware, Jill Winters recently underwent a surgical procedure performed by George Maxwell at Solace Hospital. The surgeon required the assistance of a surgical assistant throughout the surgery to ensure its successful completion.

The surgical assistant played a vital role in providing support, facilitating the surgeon's actions, and maintaining patient safety during the procedure. Their expertise and assistance directly contributed to the overall success of the surgery and the well-being of the patient.

As such, I kindly request your cooperation in reimbursing the patient for the surgical assistant's services. It is imperative that insurance coverage includes both the surgeon and the surgical assistant, as their collaboration is crucial in ensuring the best possible outcome for the patients we serve.

I am available to discuss this matter further and provide any additional information or documentation you may require. You can reach me at [email protected] or at 222 555 7777.

Thank you for your attention to this request. I trust that you will consider the importance of surgical assistant services in providing quality medical care and making the necessary arrangements for reimbursement.


George Maxwell, MD

Solace Hospital