Free Accounting Credit Note Template



Free Accounting Credit Note Template

Accounting Credit Note

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Email]

[Your Company Address]

Credit Note Number: CN-2060-00123

Date: February 15, 2060

Customer Information:

Name: Jarrett Bailey

Email: jarrett@you.mail

Company Name: Prosfactory

Address: Pembroke Pines, FL 33028

Original Invoice Details:
Invoice Number: INV-2060-04321
Invoice Date: February 5, 2060
Total Invoice Amount: $1,000.00

Description of Goods/Services:

Item Number

Item Description


Unit Price

Total Price


Laptop Model X




Amount Adjusted:

  • Total Credit Amount: $200.00 (for returned Laptop Model X)

  • Reason for Credit: Customer returned laptop due to performance issues.

VAT Details:

  • VAT Amount: $40.00

  • Total Credit with VAT: $240.00

Terms & Conditions:

  • This credit note will be applied to the customer’s account balance.

  • The credit will be used to offset future purchases.

  • This credit note is valid for 12 months from the date of issuance.

  • Any disputes must be reported within 30 days.

Authorized By:

[Your Name]

Senior Accountant

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