Marketing Content Gap Questionnaire

Marketing Content GAP Questionnaire


  1. Complete the questionnaire individually or in a group setting with your marketing team

  2. Be as honest and accurate as possible to yield the best results.

  3. Once completed, please send it to [Contact Details] by [Due Date].


Your Response

What are your current marketing goals?

What types of content are you currently producing?

Is your current content meeting your marketing goals? (Yes/No)

Who is your target audience?

Are you reaching your target audience effectively? (Yes/No)

What types of content are most effective for you?

What types of content are least effective?

What distribution channels are you using?

Are these channels effective in reaching your audience? (Yes/No)

What are your top-performing content pieces?

What metrics do you use to measure engagement?

Do you have the necessary resources for content creation? (Yes/No)

Is your budget sufficient for your content marketing needs? (Yes/No)

Who are your main competitors?

What types of content are your competitors producing that you are not?

Once you've completed the questionnaire, please review the responses to identify where your content strategy might be lacking or where there is room for improvement. Use this data to adjust your content marketing plan accordingly.

For any further queries or clarifications, please contact [Contact Name] at [Contact Details].

Thank you for participating in our Marketing Content Gap Questionnaire. Your insights are invaluable in refining our content strategy.

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[Company Phone Number]

[Company Email]


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