Marketing Focus Group Slip

Marketing Focus Group Slip

Name: [Your Name]

Email Address: [Your Email]

Title/Position: [Position]

Phone Number: [Your Company Number]

Company: [Your Company Name]

Years of Experience in Marketing: [Year]

Instructions: Please fill out this slip to express your interest in participating in our Marketing Professionals' Focus Group. Your input is invaluable to us, and we appreciate your willingness to help us improve our marketing strategies.

Preferred Method of Communication:

  • Email

  • Phone

  • LinkedIn

  • Other (please specify):


Availability for Focus Group Sessions:

  • Weekdays ([Time Range])

  • Weekdays ([Time Range])

  • Weekends ([Time Range])

  • Other (please specify): ____________

Areas of Marketing Expertise/Interest (check all that apply):

  • Digital Marketing

  • Content Marketing

  • Email Marketing

  • Social Media Marketing


  • Data Analytics

  • Branding

  • Market Research

  • Marketing Strategy

What specific topics or challenges in marketing are you most interested in discussing during the focus group sessions?

Please briefly describe your experience with focus groups or similar collaborative efforts in the past (if any).

Privacy and Consent:

By submitting this slip, you agree to the following:

  • Your information will be kept confidential and will only be used for the purpose of organizing and conducting the Marketing Professionals' Focus Group.

  • You consent to being contacted via the preferred method of communication you indicated above for the purpose of coordinating focus group sessions and related communications.

  • You understand that your participation in the focus group is voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time.

Please sign below to confirm your consent:

[Your Name]


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