Marketing Research Session Slip

Marketing Research Session Slip

Session Information:


October 20, 2050


10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Virtual Meeting (Zoom)

Session ID


Participant Details:


[Your Name]

Contact Information

[Your Email] | [Your Phone Number]

Participant ID


Demographic Information



Age Group



Marketing Manager



Research Team:


James Lewis


David Burns, Timothy Purdy

Research Session Details:

  • Purpose/Objectives: The objective of this research session is to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and trends faced by marketing managers in the e-commerce industry. Specific goals include exploring the effectiveness of social media campaigns, tracking ROI, and identifying pain points in marketing strategies.

  • Agenda/Topics:

Introduction and Icebreaker

  • Establish rapport and make the participant feel comfortable.

Discussion on Current Marketing Strategies

  • Explore current marketing strategies, focusing on channels, campaigns, and objectives.

Challenges in Marketing Campaigns

  • Identify and discuss challenges faced by [Your Name] in her marketing campaigns, with a particular focus on measuring ROI and data-driven decision-making.

  • Session Format: One-on-One Interview

  • Informed Consent: Informed Consent Provided by Participant

Session Notes:

  • Key Observations: [Your Name] expressed frustration with tracking ROI on social media campaigns, highlighting a common challenge in the e-commerce industry.

    She mentioned a strong preference for data-driven decision-making and emphasized the need for more robust analytics tools.

  • Quotes: "It's challenging to prove the impact of our Instagram ads on actual sales. We need better data insights to optimize our campaigns effectively."

  • Challenges: Minor technical issues were encountered with the video conferencing platform, but they did not significantly disrupt the session.

Data Collection:

  • Data Collection Tools: Audio recording and written notes.

  • Data Recording: An audio recording was primarily used for backup and reference, while written notes were taken in real-time to capture key points and observations.

Feedback and Recommendations:

  • Research Team Feedback: The session with [Your Name] was highly engaging, and she provided valuable insights into the challenges and priorities of marketing managers in the e-commerce sector. The discussion flowed smoothly, and [Your Name]’s expertise was evident.

  • Recommendations: Based on [Your Name]’s feedback, it is recommended that businesses in the e-commerce industry invest in more advanced analytics tools to track the impact of social media campaigns on sales. Improved data insights can lead to more effective campaign optimization.

Participant Compensation:

  • Compensation Provided: A $50 Amazon Gift Card was provided as a token of appreciation for [Your Name]’s valuable participation in the research session.


Participant Signature: ______________________

Moderator/Facilitator Signature: ______________________

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