Marketing Market Positioning Assessment

Marketing Market Positioning Assessment

Company Name: [Your Company Name]

Date: [Month-Day-Year]

Executive Summary

[Your Company Name] has commissioned a Marketing Market Positioning Assessment to evaluate its current market position, identify opportunities for improvement, and formulate strategies to enhance its competitive standing in the IT services sector. This assessment examines the company's internal strengths and weaknesses, analyzes the competitive landscape, assesses customer perceptions, and outlines a recommended positioning strategy.

I. Market Analysis

Industry Overview

The IT services industry is experiencing steady growth, driven by increased digitization and demand for tech solutions. Market trends indicate a shift towards cloud-based services and cybersecurity.

Market Size

The market is estimated at $300 billion annually, with a projected growth rate of 5% over the next three years.

II. Competitive Analysis

Competitor Landscape

Key competitors include TechWizards Inc., CyberGuard Solutions, and InnovateTech Services. TechWizards Inc. is the market leader, holding a 30% market share.

Strengths And Weaknesses

[Your Company Name] is known for its cutting-edge technology but lacks brand recognition compared to competitors. It has a highly skilled workforce but needs to improve its marketing and sales efforts.

III. Customer Segmentation

Customer Profiles: [Your Company Name] caters to small and medium-sized businesses across various industries, including finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. Customer needs range from IT infrastructure support to cybersecurity solutions.

IV. Brand Perception

Customer feedback indicates satisfaction with service quality but a lack of awareness about [Your Company Name]’s full range of offerings.

V. SWOT Analysis


Technologically advanced solutions, skilled workforce.


Limited brand recognition, underdeveloped sales and marketing.


Growing market, increasing demand for cybersecurity.


Intense competition, rapid technological changes.

VI. Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

[Your Company Name]’s USP lies in its ability to provide tailored, end-to-end IT solutions with a focus on cybersecurity, leveraging cutting-edge technology to safeguard businesses against evolving threats.

VII. Target Audience Analysis

Ideal Customer Persona: The ideal customer is a mid-sized business in the healthcare sector seeking comprehensive IT solutions to secure sensitive patient data and maintain regulatory compliance.

VIII. Positioning Strategy

Proposed Positioning: [Your Company Name] will position itself as the "Guardian of Business Data," emphasizing its expertise in cybersecurity and its commitment to providing holistic IT solutions.

IX. Messaging And Communication

Key Messages

Messaging will focus on cybersecurity expertise, tailored solutions, and proactive data protection.

Communication Channels

Implement content marketing, social media campaigns, webinars, and industry-specific events to reach target audiences.

X. Monitoring And Adjustments

  • Continuous monitoring of market trends, competitor activities, and customer feedback.

  • Regularly review and adjust marketing campaigns and messaging to stay aligned with the chosen positioning strategy.


[Your Company Name] has the potential to strengthen its market position by leveraging its cybersecurity expertise and tailoring its messaging to highlight this unique strength. With a comprehensive marketing strategy and ongoing monitoring, [Your Company Name] is well-positioned to capture a larger share of the growing IT services market.

Prepared by: [Your Name]

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