Lab Test Results Fax Sheet

Lab Test Results Fax Sheet


Date: March 8, 2050

To: [Recipient's Name]

Address: [Recipient's Address]

Re: Urgent: Lab Test Results

Fax Number: (555) 987-6543

From: Jane Smith

Laboratory: Cityville Medical Laboratory

Address: 1234 Main Street

Phone: (555) 123-4567



Dear [Recipient's Name],

We are pleased to transmit the latest laboratory test results for your patient, [Recipient's Name], as requested. Please review the following findings promptly for immediate action and patient care management.

Patient Information:

  • Name: [Recipient's Name]

  • Date of Birth: [Recipient's Birthday]

  • Gender: [Recipient's Gender]

  • Medical Record Number: 78901234

Test Results:

  1. Complete Blood Count: Normal

  2. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel: Abnormal - Elevated liver enzymes

  3. Lipid Panel: Normal


  • Elevated liver enzymes may indicate liver dysfunction. Please consider further evaluation and follow-up with the patient.

  • Lipid panel results are within the normal range.

  • Patients may benefit from lifestyle modifications and dietary changes to optimize overall health.

Should you require any further clarification or assistance regarding these results, please do not hesitate to contact our laboratory at [Your Company Number].

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We trust that this information will contribute to the ongoing care and treatment of your patient.






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