Advertising Influencer Campaign Agreement

Advertising Influencer Campaign Agreement

This Advertising Influencer Campaign Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of [Month Day, Year], by and between [Your Company Name], with its principal place of business at [Your Company Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Advertiser"), and [Influencer's Name], residing at [Influencer's Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Influencer").

1. Scope of Services:

The Influencer agrees to provide advertising services to the Advertiser, including but not limited to the creation, development, and execution of advertising campaigns across various media channels, as mutually agreed upon.

2. Compensation:

In consideration for the services provided, the Advertiser agrees to pay the Influencer the following fees:

  • Service Fee: The Advertiser will pay the Influencer a service fee of $[Amount] per post/story/campaign, as detailed in the attached schedule.

  • Service Fee: The Influencer may receive a performance bonus for exceeding key performance indicators, as detailed in the attached schedule.

  • Additional Costs: The Advertiser agrees to reimburse the Influencer for any pre-approved out-of-pocket expenses directly related to the campaign.

  • Payment terms: All fees are due within [Number ] days of the invoice date. Late payments may incur a [Percentage]% late fee.

3. Campaign Duration:

The campaign will commence on [Month Day, Year] and will continue until [Month Day, Year], unless terminated earlier by mutual agreement or as provided for in this Agreement.

4. Creative Approval:

The Influencer shall submit all creative materials to the Advertiser for approval. The Advertiser shall provide feedback within a reasonable time frame. The Influencer will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the Advertiser's feedback, and approval will not be unreasonably withheld.

5. Performance Metrics:

Key performance indicators for the advertising campaign include:

  • Engagement Rate: Achieve a minimum of [Percentage]% engagement rate on the promoted content.

  • Brand Reach: Increase brand visibility by [Percentage]% across selected social media platforms.

  • Influencer's Unique KPIs: [Metrics related to the influencer's audience and reach].

6. Confidentiality:

Both parties involved in this Agreement have mutually agreed that they will ensure the confidentiality of all information that is not available to the public, which they may obtain during the duration of this Agreement. This includes a wide range of information, but is not limited to, in-depth knowledge of business strategies, comprehensive lists of customers, and proprietary information that is exclusively owned by the particular party.

7. Termination:

Should there occur a situation wherein one party involved in this agreement commits a breach of a material term, and furthermore, fails to rectify this breach within a duration amounting to [Number] days after receiving official advice regarding said breach, then the other party retains the right to formally terminate this agreement. It should be noted, however, that termination by the non-breaching party requires the provision of written notice to the party that committed the breach.

8. Governing Law:

The agreement that is being referred to in this particular instance shall be under the jurisdiction and interpretation of, and also be determined by the laws that have been put in place and are being enforced in the geographical area represented as [Your State/Country].

9. Entire Agreement:

This Agreement stands as the complete and total understanding between the involved parties. It effectively replaces and renders obsolete all prior agreements. This includes agreements that are in written form as well as those that were verbally agreed upon, all of which are in relation to the subject matter enclosed in this document.

10. Amendments:

The alteration or amendment of the terms contained in this Agreement can only be effected if put into writing and validated through the signatures of both parties involved.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Advertising Influencer Campaign Agreement as of the date first above written.



[Your Company Name]

[Your Name]

[Month Day, Year]


[Influencer's Name]

[Month Day, Year]

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