Cleaning Services Marketing Meeting Minute

Cleaning Services
Marketing Meeting Minute









1. Meeting Opening

The meeting was called to order by [Facilitator's Name], with a brief overview of the agenda. The main objective was to discuss the upcoming marketing strategies and promotional campaigns to boost our cleaning services.

2. Review of Previous Actions

  • Previous Marketing Campaign Analysis: Reviewed the outcomes of the last quarter's marketing efforts, noting the success of digital advertising in driving new client acquisitions.

  • Feedback Implementation: Updates on the incorporation of customer feedback into service improvement were shared. Improvements have led to increased customer satisfaction rates.

3. New Business

  • Social Media Blitz: Plans for a social media campaign were discussed, aiming to increase our online presence and engage with potential customers through targeted ads and interactive content.

  • Email Marketing: A strategy for a segmented email marketing campaign was outlined, focusing on personalized offers to our existing client base to encourage repeat business.

  • Local Community Engagement: Proposed a series of local community events to raise brand awareness and establish our company as a community partner.

  • Budget Allocation: A preliminary budget for the upcoming campaigns was presented, with discussions on allocating more funds towards digital marketing channels showing the highest ROI.

4. Challenges and Solutions

Challenge: Limited engagement on social media platforms.

Solution: Invest in social media training for the marketing team and explore influencer partnerships to broaden our reach.

5. Action Items


Assigned To


Social Media Campaign

Email Campaign

Community Event

6. Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for [Next Meeting Date], at [Time], at [Location]. The main focus will be on reviewing the progress of action items and finalizing the marketing campaign details.

7. Closing

The meeting was adjourned by [Facilitator's Name] with thanks to all attendees for their contributions and a reminder to follow up on assigned tasks.

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