Employee Letter Of Non Compliance

Employee Letter Of Non-Compliance

1. Pre-Requisites:

  • Confirmation by Reporting Manager: [Your Name]

  • Certificate of Original Documentation

  • Evidence of the Compliance Breach

2. Employee Evaluation:

  • Employee Name: [Employee's Name]

  • Employee ID Number: [Employee's ID Number]

  • Employee's Work Role: [Employee's Role]

  • Previous Compliances/Non-Compliances:

    • [Date]: Completed mandatory compliance training.

    • [Date]: Received verbal warning for attendance issues.

    • [Date]: Successfully resolved previous non-compliance issue.

3. Compliance Breach Details:

  • Specific Guideline Violated: Company Policy on Internet Usage

  • Detailed Account of Breach: Employee visited unauthorized websites at work.

  • Instances of Violation: [Violation Dates]

  • Witnesses (if any): [Witness Names]

4. Response Required:

  • Expected Response from Employee: [Employee's Name]

  • Deadline for Response: [Deadline Dates]

5. Non-Compliance Issue Resolution:

  • Steps for Rectification: Employee must undergo additional training on company policy regarding internet usage and submit a written acknowledgment of understanding.

  • Available Support Services: HR department will provide guidance and support throughout the rectification process.

  • Consequences for Future Non-Compliance: Failure to comply with the resolution steps may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

6. Management Follow-Up:

  • Reporting Manager Follow-Up: [Your Name]

  • Follow-Up Timescales: Within 2 weeks of the deadline for the employee's response.

  • Method of Evaluation: Meeting with the employee to discuss their progress in rectifying the non-compliance issue.

By: [Your Name]
From: [Your Company Name]
Address: [Your Company Address]

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