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Law Firm Board Resolution Approving Dissolution of Subsidiary

Law Firm Board Resolution Approving Dissolution of Subsidiary

[Month, Day, Year]

WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Board of Directors of [Your Name] (the "Firm") that it is in the best interests of the Firm to dissolve one of its subsidiaries, namely [Subsidiary Name] (the "Subsidiary");

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has reviewed and considered all relevant documents, including but not limited to financial statements, legal documents, and recommendations from management regarding the dissolution of the Subsidiary;

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined that the dissolution of the Subsidiary aligns with the Firm's strategic objectives and will result in increased efficiency and focus on core business operations;

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has considered the legal and financial implications of the dissolution, including any potential liabilities and obligations of the Subsidiary, and has determined that the dissolution is in the best interests of the Firm and its shareholders;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that:

  1. The dissolution of [Subsidiary Name] is hereby approved and authorized by the Board of Directors of [Your Company Name].

  2. The officers of the Firm are hereby directed and authorized to take all necessary and appropriate actions to effectuate the dissolution of [Subsidiary Name], including but not limited to filing all necessary documents with the appropriate government authorities and winding up the affairs of the Subsidiary in accordance with applicable law.

  3. The officers of the Firm are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents, agreements, or instruments necessary or desirable to effectuate the dissolution of [Subsidiary Name], including but not limited to any certificates of dissolution or other filings required by law.

  4. The officers of the Firm are hereby authorized to take any further actions and to execute any further documents necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes and intent of this resolution.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that any actions taken by the officers of the Firm pursuant to this resolution shall be deemed ratified, approved, and confirmed in all respects.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of the Firm are hereby authorized to retain and engage legal counsel, accountants, or other advisors as may be necessary or desirable to assist in the dissolution of [Subsidiary Name].

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of the Firm are hereby authorized to take any actions necessary or appropriate to notify creditors, customers, suppliers, and other relevant parties of the dissolution of [Subsidiary Name] and to settle any outstanding obligations or liabilities of the Subsidiary in an orderly manner.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of the Firm are hereby authorized to take any actions necessary or appropriate to wind up the affairs of [Subsidiary Name], including but not limited to disposing of any assets, settling any claims or disputes, and distributing any remaining assets to the Firm or its shareholders in accordance with applicable law.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of the Firm are hereby authorized to take any actions necessary or appropriate to terminate any contracts, agreements, or arrangements involving [Subsidiary Name], subject to any necessary consents or approvals.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of the Firm are hereby authorized to take any actions necessary or appropriate to comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations governing the dissolution of [Subsidiary Name].

RESOLVED FURTHER, that any actions taken by the officers of the Firm pursuant to this resolution shall be deemed ratified, approved, and confirmed in all respects.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that [Your Name], [Your Title], is hereby authorized and directed to certify a copy of this resolution and to provide such certified copy to any parties as may request it.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that this resolution shall be effective immediately upon its adoption.


I, [Your Name], [Chief Executive Officer], do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of [Your Company Name] at a meeting duly convened and held on [Month, Day, Year], and that such resolution is now in full force and effect.

[Complete Name]

[Chief Executive Officer]

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