Technical User Story

Technical User Story

I. Introduction

The introduction section provides an overview of the technical user story, its purpose, and the stakeholders involved.

  • Objective: [Develop a mobile application for tracking fitness goals]

  • Stakeholders: Developers, product managers, [Your Company Name]

II. Background

In this section, provide background information about the project, including any relevant context or history.

  • Project Overview: [The project aims to address the growing demand for fitness tracking solutions.]

  • Current Status: [The project is in the initial planning phase.]

  • Scope: [This user story focuses on developing the registration feature.]

III. User Story

Describe the user story in detail, including the user's perspective and what they need to accomplish.

  • As a [type of user], I want to [perform an action] so that I can [achieve a goal].

    • Example: As a fitness enthusiast, I want to create an account so that I can track my progress and set fitness goals.

IV. Acceptance Criteria

List the specific criteria that must be met for the user story to be considered complete.

  • [User should be able to enter valid email and password.]

  • [User should receive a confirmation email upon successful registration.]

  • [User should be able to log in using registered credentials.]

V. Technical Requirements

Specify the technical requirements necessary to implement the user story.



Technology Stack

[React Native, Node.js, MongoDB]


[App should load within 3 seconds]


[Implement secure password hashing]

VI. Dependencies

Identify any dependencies that may impact the implementation or completion of the user story.

  • External Dependencies: [Integration with third-party authentication service.]

  • Internal Dependencies: [Dependency on user database module.]

VII. Risks and Assumptions

Outline any potential risks associated with the user story and any assumptions made during the planning process.

  • Risks: [Risk of data breaches due to insecure authentication.]

  • Assumptions: [Assumption that users will have stable internet connectivity.]

VIII. Timeline

Provide an estimated timeline for the completion of the user story.

  • Start Date: [April 15, 2050.]

  • End Date: [April 30, 2050.]

IX. Testing Plan

Detail the plan for testing the user story to ensure its functionality and quality.

  • Test Cases: [Test user registration with valid and invalid inputs.]

  • Testing Environment: [Testing will be conducted on both iOS and Android devices.]

X. Documentation

Describe any documentation that needs to be created or updated related to the user story.

  • User Documentation: [Create a user guide for registration process.]

  • Technical Documentation: [Document API endpoints for registration.]

XI. Approval

Obtain approval from relevant stakeholders for the user story to proceed to development.

  • Stakeholder Approval: [Approval obtained from product manager and lead developer.]

XII. Appendix

Include any additional information, diagrams, or resources relevant to the user story.

  • [Wireframes for the registration screen.]

This Product Requirements Document Template is designed to facilitate the planning and execution of technical user stories, ensuring clarity, completeness, and alignment with project objectives.

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