Extra Curricular Student Code of Conduct

Extra Curricular Student Code of Conduct

I. Introduction

Welcome to the Extra Curricular Student Code of Conduct for [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. This document outlines the expectations and responsibilities of all students participating in extra-curricular activities. Adhering to this code ensures a positive and respectful environment for everyone involved.

II. General Behavior

All students are expected to demonstrate high standards of conduct that reflect well on themselves, their families, and [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. Below are the guidelines each student must follow:

  • Respect for all individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, or religion.

  • Maintain a courteous and professional demeanor at all times.

  • Abide by the rules and regulations stipulated for each activity or event.

III. Academic Commitment

Academic achievement is paramount, and participation in extracurricular activities should not compromise educational responsibilities. Students must:

  • Ensure that participation in extracurricular activities does not negatively impact their academic performance.

  • Seek prior permission from relevant academic authorities if an activity might conflict with their academic schedule.

IV. Attendance and Punctuality

Commitment to scheduled sessions is crucial for team development and individual progress. Thus:

  • Students are expected to attend all scheduled practices, meetings, and events related to their activities unless excused for valid reasons.

  • Notify the activity coordinator at [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL] in advance if unable to attend.

V. Use of Property and Resources

Respect for property, both public and private, is mandatory. Students should:

  • Use all venues, equipment, and materials provided for activities responsibly.

  • Avoid any form of vandalism or misuse of facilities.

VI. Prohibited Behaviors

There are specific behaviors that are strictly prohibited during participation in extra-curricular activities. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products.

  • Bullying, harassment, or any form of violence.

  • Cheating or dishonesty during competitions or events.

VII. Disciplinary Actions

Violations of these conduct rules may result in disciplinary actions, which include:

  1. Verbal warning and notation in the student's record.

  2. Suspension from the activity or program.

  3. Possible expulsion from all extracurricular activities.

VIII. Reporting and Complaints

Students or parents who wish to report misconduct or file a complaint should contact [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL] or call [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER]. An impartial review will be conducted to ensure a fair resolution.

IX. Conclusion

By participating in extracurricular activities at [YOUR COMPANY NAME], students agree to adhere to the provisions outlined in this code of conduct. Upholding these standards is essential for maintaining a positive and respectful environment conducive to learning and growth.

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