Charity Complaints Procedure

Charity Complaints Procedure

I. Purpose

The purpose of this Charity Complaints Procedure is to outline the steps to be taken by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] when handling complaints to ensure they are dealt with promptly and fairly.

II. Scope

This procedure applies to all staff, volunteers, and stakeholders of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] involved in complaint handling.

III. Definitions

  • Complaint: An expression of dissatisfaction related to the operations, staff behavior, program delivery, or impact of [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

  • Complainant: An individual or group expressing the complaint.

IV. Procedure Steps

  1. Receipt of Complaint

    • Complaints may be received either verbally or in writing.

    • All complaints must be documented using the Complaint Form provided on [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE].

  2. Acknowledgment of Complaint

    • Send acknowledgement within 5 working days from the receipt date.

    • Acknowledgements should be sent via email, if possible, to [COMPLAINANT'S EMAIL].

  3. Investigation of Complaint

    • Gather necessary information and resources to understand the complaint.

    • Interview relevant parties, ensuring confidentiality is maintained.

  4. Resolution and Response

    • Decide on remedy or action to resolve the complaint.

    • Communicate the decision to the complainant no later than 30 days after receipt of the complaint.

  5. Documentation and Feedback

    • Record the complaint and outcome in the Complaints Register.

    • Use feedback from the complaint to make improvements to [YOUR COMPANY NAME] procedures.

V. Guidelines for Escalation

If a complaint cannot be resolved at the initial level or if it pertains to serious issues such as legal or ethical misconduct, it should be escalated to higher management levels as specified in the Escalation Policy available on [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE].

VI. Roles and Responsibilities

  • Compliance Officer: Oversee the complaints handling process and ensure it is conducted fairly.

  • Staff and Volunteers: Responsible for receiving complaints and forwarding them to the designated Compliance Officer.

VII. Recording and Reporting

All complaints and their outcomes are to be recorded in the Complaints Register. A monthly report summarizing the complaints received, actions taken, and outcomes will be made available to the management team of [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

VIII. Review

This procedure is to be reviewed annually to ensure effectiveness and compliance with current laws and best practices. This review will be conducted by [YOUR NAME] or a designated team member.

IX. Conclusion

In conclusion, our Charity Complaints Procedure ensures swift and fair handling of complaints, fostering transparency and stakeholder satisfaction. By following clear guidelines, we address concerns promptly, seek resolutions, and use feedback to improve. Regular review maintains effectiveness and compliance. Thank you for upholding our commitment to integrity at [YOUR COMPANY NAME].







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