Beginning Of The Day Procedures

Beginning of the Day Procedure

Prepared By

Company Name



[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Department]


I. Introduction

This document outlines the procedures to be followed every morning to ensure a smooth and efficient start of the day for [Your Company Name].

II. Scope

This procedure applies to all employees of [Your Company Department] at [Your Company Name].

III. Purpose

The purpose of these procedures is to standardize morning routines, ensuring that all necessary tasks are completed promptly and effectively, setting a positive tone for the workday.

IV. Procedure

1. Accessing the Workplace

Employees must:

  • Arrive at the workplace no later than [Your Start Time].

  • Use their assigned badges to swipe in at the entrance.

  • Report any access issues to [Relevant Department or Contact] immediately.

2. Workspace Preparation

Upon arrival at their designated workspace, employees must:

  • Ensure that their work area is clean and organized.

  • Start up their computers and log into all necessary systems.

  • Check emails for any communications received after working hours.

3. Daily Briefing Attendance

All team members must attend the morning briefing at [Your Briefing Time] sharp in [Briefing Room Location]. The briefing will cover:

  • Key tasks and objectives for the day.

  • Any critical updates or announcements.

  • Sharing of relevant information among team members.

4. Initiating Daily Tasks

Following the briefing, employees are expected to:

  • Begin working on their assigned tasks based on the priority set during the briefing.

  • Update their task status in [Task Management System].

  • Request support if any challenges are anticipated early in the process.

V. Additional Reminders and Tips

  • Review your schedule and to-do list the night before to prepare for the next day effectively.

  • Keep the workspace clean and clutter-free to maintain a productive working environment.

  • Always follow security protocols, especially during login procedures and accessing secure information.

  • Stay hydrated and take regular breaks to maintain high efficiency throughout the day.

By following these procedures, employees of [Your Company Name] can maximize productivity and ensure operational consistency from the start of each day.

Procedure Templates @