Home Birth Plan

Home Birth Plan

Prepared by: [Your Name]

I. Introduction

This Birth Plan has been created to outline our preferences and expectations for the upcoming home birth of our baby. We have chosen a home birth because it aligns with our personal values and desires for a natural and comfortable birth experience. We hope that everyone involved can respect and support our decisions to ensure a positive and empowering experience for our family.

II. Personal and Birth Team Information

A. Personal Information

Full Name


Birth Partner


Contact Number






B. Birth Team

Primary Midwife


Backup Midwife




Primary Physician


Other Supportive Persons


III. Pre-Labor Preferences

A. Environment

  • Lighting: Prefer dim lighting or natural light

  • Sound: Soothing music or silence

  • Temperature: Maintain a comfortable room temperature

  • Aromatherapy: [PREFERRED SCENTS]

B. Preparations

  • Birthing pool setup: Ready and filled as labor begins

  • Tools and Supplies: Ensure availability of birth kit, towels, and other necessary items

  • Emergency plan: Contact details and route to the nearest hospital

IV. Labor and Delivery Preferences

A. Labor

  • Labor Positions: Freedom to move and assume any position

  • Pain Management: Use of natural pain relief methods such as breathing exercises, massage, and water immersion

  • Beverages and Snacks: Availability of light snacks and hydration methods

B. Delivery

  • Pushing: Allow the mother to follow body's instinctual pushing

  • Assistance: Minimize interventions and allow natural progression

  • Immediate Post-Birth: Immediate skin-to-skin contact with baby

V. Post-Birth Preferences

A. Baby Care

  • Delayed cord clamping: Wait until the cord stops pulsating

  • Placenta: Natural delivery of the placenta

  • Breastfeeding: Initiate breastfeeding as soon as possible

B. Mother Care

  • Post-birth rest: Ensure sufficient rest and comfort for the mother

  • Nutritional needs: Availability of nourishing food and drinks

  • Monitoring: Regular checks of mother’s vital signs and well-being

VI. Emergency Plan

If transfer to the hospital becomes necessary, we prefer to be taken to [PREFERRED HOSPITAL NAME]. We request the following:

  • Immediate transfer plan in place

  • Hospital bag ready with essentials

  • Midwife and/or doula remain present for emotional support

VII. Final Notes

We appreciate the support and understanding of everyone involved in our home birth. We understand that flexible adaptation might be required for the safety and health of both mother and baby, but we hope these preferences can be respected as much as possible.

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