Incident Response Plan

Incident Response Plan

I. Introduction

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, protecting sensitive information is paramount for [Your Company Name]. This Incident Response Plan (IRP) outlines structured procedures to swiftly and effectively handle security incidents while minimizing impact on [Your Company Name]'s operations and reputation.

II. Objectives

  • Identify and analyze security threats efficiently.

  • Minimize damage and response costs.

  • Reduce recovery time and associated operational disruptions.

  • Ensure a professional and organized response process.

III. Incident Response Team (IRT)

A. Roles and Responsibilities



Contact Information


Incident Manager

John Doe

Oversees the incident response process and coordinates with external parties as needed.

Security Analyst

Jane Smith

Analyzes incident impact and forms initial response recommendations.

IV. Incident Classifications

Incidents are classified into various levels based on severity:



Potential Impact

Response Time

Escalation Requirement


Minor disruptions with minimal impact on operations.


Within 48 hours

No escalation required


Moderate impact that may affect multiple systems.


Within 24 hours

Notify Management


Severe impact affecting critical operations and data.



Management & External Agencies

V. Response Procedure

A. Identification

The first step is to identify an incident through monitoring tools or reports from users. Symptoms may include unusual network traffic, unauthorized data access, or system malfunctions.

B. Containment

Contain the incident to prevent further damage. This involves isolating affected systems and blocking malicious actors while preserving evidence for analysis.

C. Eradication

After containment, eliminate the cause of the incident. This may include removing malware, closing security vulnerabilities, and installing necessary patches.

D. Recovery

Restore systems to normal operation while ensuring they are free from vulnerabilities. Conduct thorough testing and monitoring before resuming full operations.

E. Lessons Learned

Post-incident, conduct a review to assess the response, identify improvements, and update the Incident Response Plan accordingly. Document lessons learned to prevent similar incidents in the future.

VI. Appendices

A. Contact List

Maintain an up-to-date contact list of all IRT members and external partners.

B. Incident Report Template

Include a standardized template for documenting incidents.

C. Additional Resources

  • Link to Security Policy Document

  • Training Videos and Recorded Webinars

  • Industry Best Practices and Guidelines