Sample Absent Note for School

Sample Note

Dear SciTech School,

I am writing to inform you of my son's absence from school on May 25, 2022. My son, James Taylor, is in class 7B.

Unfortunately, James became unwell on the night of May 24, 2022. We suspected it was a stomach bug and decided that it would be best for him to stay home the following day to avoid spreading the illness to his classmates and teachers.

During his absence, James completed all assigned classwork and homework remotely and has kept up to date with all schoolwork from home. As James' health has now improved, you can expect him to be present when classes resume.

I kindly request you to excuse his absence and reassure that this information is taken into account whenever attendance is being marked. His health has improved so he will be joining back from the next working day.

If there is any missing work or assignments that James needs to make up, I would be grateful if you could let us know. You may reach me at the following contact details:

Phone number: 222 555 7777

Email: [email protected]

Address: 550 Greenleaf Avenue, Denver, CO 80204, USA

We appreciate your understanding and co-operation in this matter.


Roberto C. Taylor

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