Tenant Reference Letter

Tenant Reference Letter

March 7, 2050

Jamie Dela Cruz

505 Cedar Road

Brookside, CA 90240

Dear Jamie Dela Cruz,

This letter serves as my formal recommendation for Rachel Turner. As her previous landlord, I found Rachel responsible, punctual, and respectful of the property and her neighbors. Rachel rented one of my properties for 2 years when there were never any issues.

Throughout her tenancy, Rachel consistently paid the rent on time and in full. She maintained the property to a high standard, treating it with care and respect. Rachel also displayed a polite and cooperative attitude, earning the respect of neighboring tenants. Despite the normal challenges faced in a rental environment, Rachel's abilities and character shone through.

In conclusion, based on my experience with Rachel, I can recommend her as an outstanding tenant without reservation. I believe that Rachel will be an asset to any property, and I am confident that any property owner or manager will be satisfied with their decision to rent to her. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Sunshine Lovette

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