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Finance Accounts Receivable Memo

Finance Accounts Receivable Memo

TO: [Recipient Name]

FROM: [Your Name]

DATE: [Month Day, Year]

SUBJECT: Finance Accounts Receivable Memo

This Memorandum serves to communicate pivotal updates in the accounts receivable, in line with our ongoing commitment to ensuring accuracy.

Adjustments in Invoice Amounts

In our ongoing efforts to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of our accounting processes, we have made necessary adjustments to certain invoice amounts. These adjustments are the result of meticulous internal reviews aimed at aligning our billing records with the actual services rendered or products delivered. The table below summarizes these adjustments:

Invoice Number

Original Amount

Adjusted Amount

Percentage Change

Account Name





[Account Name A]

[Invoice Number]




[Account Name B]

[Invoice Number]




[Account Name C]




[Average %]

Note: Complete details, including specific account information, are provided in the attached document.

Accounts Receivable Write-Offs

Our recent financial overhaul included writing off certain accounts receivable deemed non-collectible. This decision, taken after exhausting all avenues of recovery, aligns with our policy to address potential losses effectively. The table below provides an overview of these write-offs:

Account Name

Original Receivable Amount

Written-off Amount

Percentage of Total Receivables

[Account Name D]




[Account Name E]




[Account Name F]







[Total %]

Note: The action taken reflects our proactive approach in maintaining the accuracy of our financial statements.

Discrepancies in Accounts

Our recent audit process has revealed several discrepancies in our accounts. Addressing these discrepancies is essential for accurately reflecting our financial health. Detailed findings and corrective measures are outlined in the following table:

Account Name

Discrepancy Amount

Nature of Discrepancy

Action Taken

[Account Name G]


Overcharged Invoice

Credit Issued

[Account Name H]


[Description of Nature of Discrepancy]

[Description of Action Taken]

[Account Name I]


[Description of Nature of Discrepancy]

[Description of Action Taken]





We evolve our methods and systems, integrate new best practices, and develop insightful tools that are geared towards an optimized financial management system. We believe that these changes to the accounts receivable will contribute considerable value to our continuous improvement.

For any questions or further elucidation on any matter outlined in this memo, feel free to reach out at [Your Company Email] or [Your Company Number].

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]