Administration Electronic Signature Authorization Form

Administration Electronic Signature Authorization Form

This form is designed to authorize the use of electronic signatures for administrative purposes within [Your Company Name]. By completing and submitting this form, you acknowledge your understanding of electronic signature usage policies and agree to abide by them.

Full Name:

[Your Name]


[Your Position/Title]

Employee ID:

[Employee ID]



Electronic Signature Authorization:

I, [Your Name], hereby authorize [Your Company Name] to use my electronic signature for administrative purposes. I understand that my electronic signature may be used for the following purposes (please check all that apply):

  • Signing official documents and contracts

  • Approving purchase orders and invoices

  • Authorizing leave requests and time sheets

  • Approving expense reports

  • Other (please specify): ____________________________

Terms and Conditions:

  1. I understand that my electronic signature carries the same legal weight and consequences as a handwritten signature.

  2. I agree to keep my electronic signature secure and not to share it with unauthorized individuals.

  3. I understand that I am responsible for all actions taken using my electronic signature.

  4. I agree to promptly report any suspected unauthorized use of my electronic signature to the appropriate authorities within [Organization Name].

  5. I understand that [Organization Name] may revoke my electronic signature authorization at any time, at its sole discretion.

By providing my full name below, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions outlined above.


[Your Name]


Please submit this form to the [Department Name] for processing.

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