Sample Informal Reading Inventory

Sample Informal Reading Inventory



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The Informal Reading Abilities Assessment Inventory is structured to assess various aspects of reading, including word recognition, comprehension, and fluency. The inventory comprises a diverse range of passages and associated questions to measure the reader's abilities across different levels of difficulty.



Word Recognition

Identify words in isolation to gauge the reader's ability to decode and recognize vocabulary.

Comprehension Skills

Evaluate the reader's understanding of passages through targeted questions and prompts.

Fluency Assessment

Measure the reader's reading speed, accuracy, and expression during oral reading exercises.

Genre Proficiency

Assess the reader's familiarity and comprehension within various literary genres.

Vocabulary Mastery

Evaluate the reader's grasp of vocabulary and contextual usage within different contexts.

Critical Thinking

Pose questions that require higher-order thinking skills to assess analytical capabilities.

Reading Preferences

Gather insights into the reader's interests and preferences to tailor future reading material.


This section allows the examiner to provide additional comments, observations, or notes on the reader's performance. It is essential to record specific strengths, areas for improvement, and any notable observations during the assessment. Remember to offer constructive feedback to encourage growth and development in the reader's literacy skills.

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