Marketing Client Brief


Prepared by [YOUR NAME]


1. Client Details

Client Details

Sample Data

Company Name

Acme Solutions

Contact Person

Jane Doe


Marketing Manager

Phone Number



[email protected]

Mailing Address

1234 Market St, Suite 101, Anytown, AT 12345

2. Marketing Objectives

The marketing objectives section outlines specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that the marketing project or campaign aims to achieve. These goals may include:

  • Increase brand awareness by 25% within the next six months

  • Boost online traffic by 30% in the next quarter.

  • Improve customer retention rate by 10% by the end of the fiscal year

  • Generate 20% more leads compared to the same period last year

  • Expand online sales by 15% in the upcoming holiday season

3. Target Audience

The target audience section describes the demographic and psychographic profiles of the intended recipients of the marketing campaign. It provides a clear understanding of the consumers that the campaign aims to reach and influence. The target audience can be described in terms of:

  • Age: 25-45 years old, a demographic known for its purchasing power and likelihood to engage with online sales and marketing campaigns.

  • Gender: All genders, with tailored messaging to resonate with the diverse needs and preferences within this broad group.

  • Income Level: Middle to upper-middle-income, individuals are likely to have disposable income for the types of products or services offered.

  • Occupation: Professionals, managers, and entrepreneurs who are likely to value the quality, efficiency, or prestige of the products or services.

  • Education Level: College-educated individuals, who are typically more engaged with campaigns that offer detailed information and value education in their purchasing decisions.

  • Geographic Location: Urban and suburban areas, where residents are more likely to be exposed to and engage with digital marketing efforts.

  • Interests and Hobbies: A broad range of interests including technology, personal development, health and wellness, and leisure activities that align with the brand's offerings.

  • Behavioral Tendencies: Active online users who frequently shop online, participate in social media, and engage with content that enhances their lifestyle or solves specific problems.

  • Values and Attitudes: Environmentally and socially conscious consumers who value brands with sustainable practices, ethical production, and community involvement.

4. Product Overview

The product/service section provides a comprehensive description of the marketing campaign's focus, including features, benefits, and unique selling proposition.

Product/Service Name: EcoClean Home Solutions

  • Features
    Our eco-friendly cleaning products use natural, non-toxic ingredients, advanced cleaning technology, and reusable packaging for high efficiency and quality. They are versatile and suitable for kitchens, bathrooms, floors, and personal hygiene.

  • Benefits

    EcoClean products are safe for families, contribute to environmental conservation, are cost-effective, and are allergy-friendly, free from harsh chemicals and fragrances.

  • USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

    EcoClean Home Solutions offers eco-friendly, affordable cleaning solutions, combining advanced technologies with sustainability, making it the preferred choice for environmentally conscious households seeking a safe, effective, and affordable cleaning option.

5. Event Marketing

EcoClean Home Solutions plans to utilize event marketing strategies to showcase its eco-friendly products, benefits, and unique selling proposition on both physical and digital platforms, fostering brand loyalty.


  • Educate the audience on the environmental impact of household cleaning products.

  • Engage potential customers through interactive experiences.

  • Build community among environmentally conscious consumers.

  • Drive sales through exclusive promotions and discounts.


  • Host eco-conscious launch events in urban centers with live demonstrations and sustainability talks.

  • Conduct webinars led by environmental experts on sustainable living and home environment.

  • Participate in eco-friendly and green living expos to showcase EcoClean products.

  • Organize and sponsor local clean-up events to encourage community participation and showcase the brand's environmental commitment.

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