Copy Editing Instructions Brief

Copy Editing Instructions Brief

Prepared by: [Your Name] for [Your Company Name]

This document has been crafted to provide step-by-step guidelines and instructions for the Copy Editor. Your role is crucial in ensuring that all written content conforms to the brand voice, style, and other specifications as outlined here. Please carefully follow all instructions detailed in this brief.


The voice and style of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] are essential in our communication. In all copy-editing tasks, these elements should be a top priority.

  • Style:

    At [YOUR COMPANY NAME], we embrace a writing style that is both professional and engaging. Our content should exude clarity, precision, and a sense of authority in conveying information. Striving for simplicity without sacrificing sophistication is key, to ensuring that our audience can easily comprehend and connect with our messages. Additionally, our style is adaptable, allowing us to tailor our approach based on the nature of the content and the preferences of our target audience.

  • Voice:

    The voice of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is characterized by a balance between professionalism and approachability. We aim to establish a connection with our audience by using language that is relatable and conversational, while still maintaining a level of authority and expertise. Whether communicating complex concepts or delivering straightforward information, our voice should consistently reflect the values and personality of our brand.

  • Tone:

    In determining the tone for our content, we prioritize a tone that aligns with the context and purpose of the communication. For informational content, maintain a neutral and informative tone, ensuring clarity and coherence. In more interactive or promotional materials, infuse a friendly and positive tone to engage our audience. It's crucial to strike a balance between professionalism and warmth, always considering the expectations and preferences of our readers.

Copy Editing Scope and Responsibilities

Your primary responsibilities as a Copy Editor involve checking for and correcting errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, and punctuation, and ensuring coherence and uniformity across all written content.



Spelling and Grammar

  • Objective: Ensure the use of proper and consistent spelling, rectifying grammatical errors.

  • Actions:

    • Thoroughly review written content for spelling errors and inconsistencies.

    • Rectify grammatical errors, including issues related to verb tense, subject-verb agreement, and sentence construction.

    • Utilize appropriate language resources and style guides to ensure accuracy.

Syntax and Punctuation

  • Objective: Review sentences for proper structure and correct punctuation usage.

  • Actions:

    • Evaluate the syntax of sentences to ensure clarity and coherence.

    • Correct punctuation errors and ensure adherence to established punctuation rules.

    • Verify consistency in the use of punctuation marks across the entire document.

Coherence and Uniformity

  • Objective: Ensure all content is consistent in its use of tense, tone, style, voice, and spelling.

  • Actions:

    • Review the document for overall coherence in ideas and flow.

    • Confirm uniformity in tense usage throughout the content.

    • Maintain consistency in tone and voice to align with established guidelines.

    • Check for spelling variations and discrepancies, rectifying them to achieve uniformity.

Copy Editing Process

Commencing the copy editing process requires keenness and precision. The below steps outline this process:

  1. Document Overview:

    • Objective: Grasp the overall theme and purpose.

    • Actions: Read the entire document for key ideas and main messages.

  2. Line-by-Line Editing:

    • Objective: Correct errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax.

    • Actions: Conduct detailed corrections on a line-by-line basis.

  3. Ensure Consistency:

    • Objective: Maintain uniform language, tone, style, and voice.

    • Actions: Confirm adherence to established guidelines for consistency.

  4. Check Coherence:

    • Objective: Ensure logical flow of ideas.

    • Actions: Evaluate the company and transitions for overall coherence.

  5. Final Error Check:

    • Objective: Confirm all errors are corrected.

    • Actions: Conduct a final review to catch any remaining errors.

Copy Editing Tools

In your copy editing roles, these tools might be necessary to aid you in your tasks:

  1. Grammarly:

    • Purpose: General spelling and grammar checks.

    • Usage: Employ Grammarly for thorough proofreading and correction of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

  2. Hemingway Editor:

    • Purpose: Assess readability and enhance sentence structure.

    • Usage: Utilise Hemingway Editor to ensure clarity and improve the overall readability of written content.

  3. Chicago Manual of Style:

    • Purpose: Style guidelines reference.

    • Usage: Refer to the Chicago Manual of Style for comprehensive guidance on writing style, citation, and formatting.

  4. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Style Guide:

    • Purpose: Ensure consistency with company-specific guidelines.

    • Usage: Align all written content with [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Style Guide to maintain a cohesive and distinctive company voice and style.

Submission and Review Process

Upon completion of the copy editing process, here is the submission and review procedure.

  1. Submit Edited Content:

    • Method: Submit the edited content via [preferred submission platform].

    • Action: Ensure all corrections and enhancements are incorporated before submission.

  2. Await Feedback:

    • Recipient: Content Supervising Team

    • Action: Patiently await feedback on the edited content.

  3. Implement Feedback and Resubmit:

    • Action: Incorporate suggested changes and improvements based on feedback.

    • Submission: Resubmit the revised content for further review.

  4. Final Approval:

    • Recipient: Content Supervising Team

    • Action: Await final approval from the Content Supervising Team.

  5. Forward to Publishing Team:

    • Action: Upon approval, forward the final edited content to the Publishing Team for further processing.

Your adherence to these guidelines is key in maintaining [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s brand voice and style across all written content. We appreciate your meticulous attention to detail and commitment to producing high-quality, error-free content.

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