Real Estate Sustainable Development Goals Resolution

Real Estate Sustainable Development Goals Resolution

Resolution No.:                               



Whereas, on this day, [Date], [Your Company Name], a leader in the real estate industry with headquarters at [Your Company Address], convened its board of directors under the guidance of the chairman, [Chairman's Name]; and

Whereas, recognizing the imperative global challenges imposed by climate change and the urgent need for sustainable development; and

Whereas, as a responsible member of the corporate community, [Your Company Name] is resolved to make a significant contribution to the environment and societies in which we operate and beyond.


Section 1: Acknowledgment of Commitment to Sustainability

1.1 The board hereby acknowledges its commitment to sustainability and growth, aligned with [Your Company Name]'s core values and principles. It recognizes that sustainability is integral to long-term success and corporate responsibility.

1.2 The board reaffirms its commitment to uphold environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic viability in all aspects of its operations.

Section 2: Articulation of Sustainable Development Goals

2.1 In recognition of the global call to shift towards sustainable practices and resilient infrastructure, the board resolves to implement the following sustainable development goals:

2.1.1 Environmental Responsibility: The investment and development of properties will adhere strictly to sustainable practices and observe environmental regulations at every stage of planning, construction, operation, and maintenance.

2.1.2 Innovation and Efficiency: The commitment to drive innovation in sustainable real estate solutions focusing on energy and water efficiency, waste management, and indoor environmental quality.

2.1.3 Social Impact: The creation of spaces that promote wellness and human rights, ensuring accessibility, and improving livable and workable environments for all age groups and abilities.

2.1.4 Resilience: Incorporating measures for comprehensive resilience in all real estate developments, such as adapting to climate change, mitigating risks of disasters, and ensuring durable and long-lasting structures.

2.1.5 Stakeholder Engagement: Establishing formal, effective communication channels to ensure transparency, stakeholder engagement, and open dialogue towards manifesting our sustainability goals.

Section 3: Implementation and Monitoring

3.1 The board directs teams towards the successful implementation of these goals, with strategies, action plans, and performance metrics developed and monitored regularly.

3.2 An interdisciplinary Sustainability Task Force will be established to oversee the implementation of the sustainability goals, evaluate progress, and make recommendations for continuous improvement.

3.3 Annual sustainability reports will be prepared and shared with stakeholders to provide transparency on [Your Company Name]'s sustainability efforts and progress towards the established goals.

Section 4: Education and Awareness

4.1 [Your Company Name] will invest in education and awareness initiatives to promote sustainability among employees, tenants, partners, and the broader community.

4.2 Training programs, workshops, and educational materials will be developed to enhance awareness and understanding of sustainable practices and their importance in real estate operations.

Section 5: Collaboration and Partnerships

5.1 [Your Company Name] recognizes the importance of collaboration and partnerships in achieving sustainability goals. It will actively seek partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, academic institutions, and industry peers to leverage expertise, resources, and best practices.

Section 6: Approval

6.1 Duly approved on this day, [Date], by the board of directors of [Your Company Name], chaired by [Chairman Name].


This Resolution represents [Your Company Name]'s unwavering commitment to sustainable development and environmental responsibility in the real estate industry. By articulating clear goals, implementing robust strategies, and fostering collaboration, [Your Company Name] aims to lead by example and make a positive impact on the environment and society.


[Chairman Name]

Chairman of the Board

[Your Company Name]

Note: This Resolution shall be communicated to all stakeholders and prominently displayed in [Your Company Name]'s corporate offices and properties to reinforce [Your Company Name]'s commitment to sustainability.

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