Personal Condolence Letter for a Loss

Personal Condolence Letter for a Loss

Matthew Boyle

848 Abia Martin Drive,

Riverhead, NY 11901

Dear Matthew,

As the world seems a little dimmer and the silence a little louder, I reach out to you, hoping my words might bring a semblance of comfort during this heart-wrenching time. I'm Charles Hackney, and though words may falter in the shadow of such profound sorrow, please know they come straight from the depths of my heart.

Lia's departure from this world has left a void, one that cannot be filled or replaced. Her radiant spirit, her infectious laughter, and her boundless love have touched us all in ways beyond expression. Every shared story, every memory of her, just underlines how special she truly was. Remembering her, I'm reminded of a sunflower, always turning towards the light, even on the darkest days.

Grief is an ocean, Matthew, vast and unpredictable. Some days, its waves might crash hard, pulling you under, while on others, they might softly lap at your feet, letting you breathe. During this time, lean on those around you. Draw strength from our shared memories, our collective tears, and the love that binds us all together.

When silence becomes too overwhelming or the weight of memories too heavy, know that I am here. Whether it's a walk to recall the bright days with Lia, assistance with the challenging days ahead, or simply a silent shoulder to lean on, please don't hesitate.

In time, I hope the memories, the love, and the stories we shared about Lia provide a glimmer of comfort. Holding onto those cherished moments, may they guide and uplift you when things feel overwhelming. Keeping you and your family close in my thoughts and prayers.

Take your time, Matthew. And remember, whenever you're ready, I'm here.

Sending you all my warmth and deepest sympathies.

In shared sorrow,

Charles Hackney

792 Mount Street

Bay City, MI 48706