Affidavit Letter for Bonafide Marriage

Affidavit Letter for Bonafide Marriage

Hai S. Hollowell


Sovereign Attorneys
968 Kidd Avenue

Delta Jct, AK 99737

Dear Mr. Hollowell,

I, Casey K. Green, solemnly swear that the information provided in this affidavit is true and accurate to my knowledge. I am writing to confirm the bonafide marriage between myself and my spouse, Jane M. Green, on July 15, 2055.

As evidence of our bonafide marriage, we have been residing together continuously at 4627 Bicetown Road, New York, NY 10007, since our union. Our shared address is our primary residence, showcasing our commitment and dedication to each other. Furthermore, we have jointly opened a bank account, attached as supporting documentation to illustrate the financial aspect of our interconnected lives.

I hereby affirm that the aforementioned information is accurate and correct. Should you require additional evidence or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at 222-555-7777 or [email protected].


Casey K. Green