Handover Note Sample

Sample Note

This handover note was prepared by Christy T. Mariano of Greenleaf Energies. It serves to outline important details and instructions relating to different task responsibilities and ongoing projects within the organization.


Christy T. Mariano
Position: Supervisor
Organization: Greenleaf Energies
Contact Number: 222 555 7777
Email: [email protected]
Company Email: [email protected]
Location: 734 Solar Circle Springdale, TX 75098

Tasks and Responsibilities

A clear and concise list of tasks and responsibilities should be included here. This can range from ongoing projects, scheduled meetings, and any pending responsibilities that will need to be taken over by the incoming individual.

Contacts and Stakeholders

Important contacts and key stakeholders involved in the aforementioned tasks and projects should be clearly listed, ensuring a smooth transition.

Critical Dates and Deadlines

Any impending dates and important deadlines should be outlined to ensure the continuity of tasks.

Other Important Information

Here, any other details or important organizational knowledge necessary for the seamless transfer of responsibilities should be included. This could include location of important documents, security codes, or system passwords.

Sign Off

This signifies that all critical information has been handed over and the incoming individual can proceed with the roles and responsibilities as outlined above.

This handover note has been diligently prepared to enhance the productivity of the incoming individual and to minimize disruptions in the workflow of Greenleaf Energies.

ALWAYS, feel free to reach out to Christy T. Mariano through the contact number, 222 555 7777, or the email, [email protected], if additional clarification or information is necessary.

Remember, the key to a successful handover is communication, thus, never hesitate to ask questions if unsure about anything outlined in this Handover Note.

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