Feedback Compilation Report HR

Feedback Compilation Report

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Report Date: [Month Day, Year]

Data Period Covered: [Month Day, Year]

1. Executive Summary

The HR Department of [Company Name] conducted an internal survey to gauge employee satisfaction across multiple facets of the company. The overall satisfaction rate was 75%, with specific concerns raised about management responsiveness and work-life balance.

2. Methodology

The survey was conducted online, utilizing a standard questionnaire distributed to all employees. The survey remained open for two weeks, and we achieved a participation rate of 85%.

3. Survey Findings

In the recent employee satisfaction survey, the majority of respondents expressed positive feelings, with 30% being "Very Satisfied" and 45% "Satisfied." A smaller group of 15% remained "Neutral," while only a minor fraction reported dissatisfaction, consisting of 8% "Unsatisfied" and 2% "Very Unsatisfied." Overall, the data suggests a generally favorable view of the company among employees.

Feedback Categories

Feedback Categories

Positive Responses

Negative Responses

Work Environment






Benefits & Compensation



4. Departmental Insights

The Engineering department showed the highest satisfaction rates at 85%, whereas the Customer Service department displayed a lower rate of 60%, citing issues with management responsiveness.



  • Conduct manager training sessions to improve responsiveness.

  • Explore options for more flexible work schedules to improve work-life balance.

6. Conclusion

The overall feedback is positive, but there are areas for improvement, particularly in management responsiveness and work-life balance. Immediate steps will be taken to address these concerns.

7. Appendices

Please refer to the attached charts and graphs for a more detailed breakdown of the feedback collected.

Last Updated: [Month Day, Year]
Prepared By: [Your Name, Your Position]
Approved By: [Approving Authority]

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