Art Class Schedule

Art Class Schedule

This schedule seeks to provide a structured plan for the instructor to follow during each class session. It helps students plan their time and know what to expect from each class while assisting the administrative staff in managing resources and coordinating with other departments or facilities. Moreover, it serves as a communication tool between the instructor, students, and any other stakeholders involved in the art class.

Instructor's Contact Information:

Email: [Instructor's Email Address]

Phone: [Instructor's Phone Number]



Materials Needed

Assignments Due

Day 1

Introduction to Basic Sketching

Pencil, Sketchbook

Sketch Study

Day 2

Light and Shadows

Pencil, Sketchbook

Still Life Composition

Day 3

Basic Color Theory

Watercolors, Paintbrushes

Sketch from Day 2

Day 4

Perspective and Depth

Pencil, Sketchbook

Color Theory Exercises from Day 3

Day 5

Intro to Abstract Art

Watercolors, Paintbrushes

Sketch from Day 4

Day 6

Textures and Patterns

Oil Pastels, Sketchbook

Abstract Art from Day 5

Day 7

Art History - Renaissance

No materials needed

Pattern/Texture Study from Day 6

Day 8


Charcoal, Sketchbook

Renaissance Art Notes from Day 7

Day 9

Modern Artistic Movements

No materials needed

Portrait from Day 8

Day 10

Farewell Exhibition Prep

Any necessary materials

Modern Art Notes from Day 9

Prepared By: [YOUR NAME]

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