Baby Sleep Schedule

Baby Sleep Schedule

Welcome to the Comprehensive Baby Sleep Schedule! This schedule is designed to establish consistent bedtime and wake-up times, ensure adequate naps throughout the day, monitor sleep patterns, and provide guidance for caregivers to maintain a healthy sleep routine for your baby.




6:30 AM

Wake Up

Gently wake baby, change diaper, and offer a morning feed.

7:00 AM

Morning Playtime

Engage baby in interactive play to stimulate their senses and encourage wakefulness.

9:00 AM

First Nap

Place baby in a quiet, dimly lit room for a nap. Aim for at least 1-2 hours of sleep.

10:30 AM

Wake Up & Feed

If baby is still asleep, gently wake for feeding. Offer a nutritious meal or breastfeed.

12:00 PM

Midday Playtime

Allow baby to explore toys or enjoy tummy time under supervision.

2:00 PM

Second Nap

Provide another opportunity for rest, aiming for 1-2 hours of sleep.

3:30 PM

Wake Up & Snack

Offer a light snack and engage in calm activities to ease transition from nap to awake.

5:30 PM

Evening Playtime

Engage in quiet, soothing activities to wind down before bedtime.

6:30 PM


Offer a nutritious meal, avoiding heavy foods that may disrupt sleep.

7:30 PM

Bedtime Routine

Begin a consistent bedtime routine, including bath time, storytime, and soothing activities.

8:00 PM


Place baby in crib while drowsy but awake, encourage self-soothing.


Nighttime Feedings

Be responsive to baby's hunger cues, offering feeds as needed.


  • Flexibility: While consistency is key, be flexible to adjust the schedule as per your baby's needs and developmental milestones.

  • Cues for Sleep: Look for signs of tiredness such as eye rubbing or yawning to initiate nap times.

  • Environment: Create a conducive sleep environment with a comfortable crib, appropriate room temperature, and minimal distractions.

  • Caregiver Communication: Communicate the schedule and any changes effectively with caregivers to ensure continuity in the baby's sleep routine.

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

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