Community Service Hours Log

Community Service Hours Log

Name of Volunteer:[Your Name]

Company:[Your Company Name]

Date Range: [Date]

This Log Template helps individuals document, track, and verify their community service contributions for various purposes such as school requirements, scholarship applications, and personal records. It serves to document hours, track progress, provide verification, facilitate recognition and awards, and promote accountability in fulfilling commitments to the community.


Time In

Time Out

Activity Description

Total Hours

July 10, 2057

09:00 AM

12:00 PM

Assisted at local food pantry


July 11, 2057

10:30 AM

02:30 PM

Participated in park clean-up


July 12, 2057

03:00 PM

05:00 PM

Tutored students at after-school program


July 13, 2057

08:00 AM

11:00 AM

Volunteered at animal shelter


July 14, 2057

01:00 PM

04:00 PM

Assisted in organizing charity event


Total Hours Logged: [Total Hours]


  1. Fill out the table with accurate details of each volunteering activity.

  2. Ensure the supervisor or contact person signs off on each entry.

  3. Calculate the total hours at the end of the reporting period.

  4. Submit the log as required for academic, certification, scholarship, or other purposes.


  1. Ensure that all entries are accurate and truthful. Falsifying information may result in consequences.

  2. Keep a copy of this log for personal records and future reference.

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