Law Firm Termination Letter

Law Firm Termination Letter

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Month Day, Year]

[Your Client Name]

[Your Client Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Notice of Termination of Legal Services

Dear [Your Client Name],

We are writing to formally notify you that [Your Company Name] will no longer be able to provide legal services to you, effective [termination effective date]. This decision follows careful consideration and is not made lightly. Below, we detail the reasons for this termination and the steps moving forward.

Reasons for Termination:

Our decision to terminate our legal services is based on the following:

  • Non-Compliance with Advice: Despite repeated advisories, there has been a consistent pattern of decisions made contrary to our professional recommendations.

  • Communication Breakdown: Efforts to maintain an effective attorney-client communication have unfortunately failed, which is crucial for a successful legal outcome.

  • Financial Discrepancies: Persistent delays in payment and unresolved financial obligations have impaired our ability to represent you effectively.

Outstanding Matters and Financial Settlement:

As of the date of this letter, the following matters require your attention:

  • Outstanding Invoices: All outstanding invoices are due immediately. Please find enclosed a statement of your account for your review and payment.

  • Ongoing Matters: We will cease all legal work after [termination effective date]. Should you require additional time to find alternative representation, please inform us as soon as possible.

Transfer of Documents:

Upon settlement of all outstanding balances, we will provide you with all relevant documents pertaining to your case. Should you choose to engage another attorney, we will cooperate fully in transferring your files to your new representation, subject to any applicable legal or ethical restrictions.


We recommend seeking new legal representation promptly to ensure that your legal needs continue to be addressed without interruption. If you require assistance in locating a new attorney, we are willing to provide recommendations.

This termination does not affect your rights or obligations under the law, and you are free to consult with another legal professional regarding this termination if you wish.

We regret that our professional relationship has come to an end, but believe that this decision serves the best interest of all parties involved. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we wish you the best in your future endeavors.


[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Contact Information]

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