Employee Incident Report

Employee Incident Report



Prepared by: 




I. Introduction

The following document serves as a standardized form to report and record any incidents involving employees within [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. An incident report is crucial to document the details of unusual events that occur at the workplace, which might include but is not limited to accidents, breaches of conduct, and safety hazards. Proper documentation assists in clarity and ensures all details are preserved for future reference and necessary action.

This template aims at gathering comprehensive details to help the management understand the incident and take appropriate measures to prevent future occurrences. It also ensures legal compliance and protection for both the employee and the employer.

II. Employee Information

Below is the employee information who was involved or who reported the incident. Fill out the appropriate fields to ensure accurate documentation of the incident:

  • Employee Name: [EMPLOYEE NAME]

  • Job Title: [JOB TITLE]

  • Department: [YOUR DEPARTMENT]

  • Date of Hire: [DATE OF HIRE]

  • Supervisor: [SUPERVISOR NAME]

III. Incident Details

The incident should be described in a factual and concise manner. Ensure that all information provided is accurate and as detailed as possible:

  • Date & Time of Incident: [DATE & TIME OF INCIDENT]

  • Location of Incident: [LOCATION OF INCIDENT]


  • Were there any witnesses? [YES/NO]

  • If yes, list names: [WITNESS NAMES]

IV. Immediate Actions Taken

Describe any immediate action that was taken following the incident. This could include first aid measures, isolation of hazards, or notifying appropriate personnel about the incident:

  • Action Taken by Reporting Individual: [ACTIONS TAKEN]

  • Emergency Services Called: [YES/NO]


V. Documentation & Reporting

Detail any documentation or additional reports that were made in relation to the incident. This might include photographs, written statements, or medical reports. Providing comprehensive documentation can be critical for further investigation and resolution of the incident:

  • Reports Filed: [REPORTS FILED]

  • Additional Documentation Attached: [YES/NO]


VI. Follow-Up Actions

Outline any follow-up actions that are planned or have already been initiated. This could include corrective measures, additional training for staff, or changes in workplace procedures:

  • Planned Investigations: [INVESTIGATION DETAILS]

  • Planned Corrective Actions: [CORRECTIVE ACTION DETAILS]

VII. Approval

This report must be reviewed and approved by the relevant supervisor or department head to ensure accuracy and completeness. Once reviewed, it should be submitted to Human Resources for further action:

  • Supervisor Review: [SUPERVISOR NAME]

  • Date: [REVIEW DATE]

  • HR Submission: [YES/NO]


VIII. Conclusion

The incident report serves as a vital tool in maintaining a safe and conducive work environment within [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. By documenting incidents promptly and thoroughly, we can address issues effectively and prevent recurrences in the future. It is essential for all employees to prioritize safety and adherence to workplace policies and procedures.

By completing this report accurately and promptly, we contribute to the overall safety and well-being of our workplace community. Should you have any questions or require further assistance regarding incident reporting procedures, please contact [CONTACT INFORMATION].

Report Templates @ Template.net