Navy Moving Checklist

Navy Relocation Preparation Guide

Moving as a member of the Navy involves careful planning and coordination. Feel free to tailor this checklist, and stay organized throughout the moving process. Ensure a successful transition to your new Navy assignment. Safe travels and best wishes on your new adventure!


[Your Company Name]


[Your Company Number]


[Your Company Email]

Prepared by:

[Your Name]

Pre-Move Preparation:



Notify Your Command:

Inform your commanding officer of your relocation plans and ensure all necessary paperwork is completed.

Contact the Housing Office:

If you're living in military housing, notify the housing office of your move-out date and complete any required move-out procedures.

Schedule a Relocation Briefing:

Attend a relocation briefing provided by your installation's Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) for valuable information and resources.

Update Personal Information:

Update your contact information with the Navy Personnel Command and other relevant agencies.

Research Your New Location:

Gather information about your new duty station, including housing options, schools, medical facilities, and recreational opportunities.

Packing and Shipping:



Inventory Household Goods (HHG):

Take inventory of your household goods and decide what to pack, donate, or dispose of.

Schedule HHG Pickup:

Contact the Defense Personal Property System (DPS) to schedule the pickup of your household goods.

Pack Essential Items:

Pack a suitcase with essential items you'll need during the move and immediately upon arrival at your new location.

Label Boxes Clearly:

Label boxes with the contents and destination room to facilitate unpacking.

Prepare High-Value Items:

Identify and prepare high-value items for special handling or storage, if necessary.

Administrative Tasks:



Update DEERS and ID Cards:

Update your Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) information and obtain new ID cards for you and your family members.

Notify Service Providers:

Notify utility companies, insurance providers, and other service providers of your move and arrange for service transfer or cancellation.

Arrange for Mail Forwarding:

Visit the local post office or go online to set up mail forwarding to your new address.

Handle Financial Matters:

Update your banking and financial accounts with your new address and ensure all bills are paid before your departure.

Complete Out-Processing Procedures:

Complete any out-processing procedures required by your current command, including turning in equipment and completing final paperwork.

Final Steps:



Clean and Inspect Quarters:

Ensure your current residence is clean and in good condition before handing it over to the housing office.

Verify Travel Arrangements:

Confirm travel arrangements for you and your family, including flights, lodging, and transportation to your new duty station.

Stay Organized:

Keep important documents, such as orders, travel vouchers, and receipts, easily accessible during your move.

Say Goodbyes:

Take the time to say goodbye to friends, colleagues, and neighbors before departing for your new assignment.

Stay Flexible:

Expect the unexpected and remain flexible as you navigate the moving process. Keep a positive attitude and focus on the exciting opportunities that lie ahead at your new duty station.

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