Finance Audit Recommendation Slip

Finance Audit Recommendation Slip

Date: [MM-DD-YYYY]

Audit Period:

Start Date: [Enter Start Date]

End Date: [Enter End Date]

Audited by:

Name: [Your Name]

Position: [Your Position]

Department: [Your Department]

Summary of Audit Findings:

  1. Area of Concern: Inconsistent expense reporting

  2. Observation: Identified several instances where expense reports were approved without adequate supporting documentation, leading to potential financial discrepancies.

  3. Risk Level: High

  4. Recommendation: Implement a comprehensive verification process for all expense reports, requiring detailed documentation and managerial approval.

Detailed Recommendations:

  1. Action Item: Review and update the company's expense approval guidelines to include mandatory submission of receipts and detailed expense descriptions for all claims.

  • Responsible Person/Department: Finance Department

  • Deadline: [MM-DD-YYYY]

  1. Action Item: Conduct mandatory training sessions for all staff and managers on the new expense policies to ensure clear understanding and compliance.

  • Responsible Person/Department: Human Resources

  • Deadline: [MM-DD-YYYY]

Additional Notes:

  • Emphasis should be placed on the importance of financial integrity and compliance with company policies.

  • Regular audits will be scheduled to ensure ongoing adherence to the updated procedures.

  • Any discrepancies found in future audits may lead to disciplinary action as per company policy.

Auditor's Signature:

[Signature Space]

Acknowledgment by Department Head:

[Signature Space]