Vocational Evaluation

Vocational Evaluation

Date: [DATE]

Introduction: This evaluation is designed to reflect each individual's vocational interests, aptitudes, and potential. It comprises a comprehensive range of exercises to attain a holistic assessment.

Evaluation Overview: Through this vocational evaluation, we aim to assess readiness for employment, and potential career paths, and create recommendations for future vocational training or rehabilitation strategies.

Rating Scale:

5 - Excellent: Exceptional alignment with vocational interests, possess all necessary skills, highly capable of performing tasks, and adept at learning and applying new information.

4 - Very Good: Strong alignment with vocational interests, possess most necessary skills, capable of performing tasks with proficiency, and able to learn and apply new information effectively.

3 - Good: Moderate alignment with vocational interests, possess some necessary skills, capable of performing tasks adequately, and able to learn and apply new information with effort.

2 - Fair: Limited alignment with vocational interests, possesses few necessary skills, struggles with performing tasks, and has difficulty learning and applying new information.

1 - Poor: Little to no alignment with vocational interests, lack necessary skills, to perform tasks effectively, and struggles significantly with learning and applying new information.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation bases itself on the following criteria:

  • Vocational Interest: Identifying the areas that motivate and interest the individual.

  • Skills: Assessing the skillset of the individual and its relevance to different vocations.

  • Abilities: Evaluating the individual's physical and mental capacities for specific tasks.

  • Aptitudes: Measuring how quickly and effectively the individual can learn and apply new information in a vocational context.

Assess the following criteria on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest:








Vocational Interest

How well do the individual’s interests align with a specific vocation?


To what extent does the individual possess the necessary skills for the vocation?


How capable is the individual of performing the physical and mental tasks required in a vocation?


How effectively can the individual learn and apply new information in this vocational setting?

Additional Notes & Comments

Comments and Notes

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