Endorsement Disclosure Advertising Form

Endorsement Disclosure Advertising Form

Product/Service Details:

Product/Service Name: 

[Enter Product/Service Name]

Endorser/Influencer Name: 

[Enter Endorser/Influencer Name]


[Specify platform/channel]

Disclosure Statement:

I, [Endorser/Influencer Name], acknowledge and agree to disclose my relationship with [Your Company/Product Name] when endorsing or promoting the aforementioned product/service. The disclosure will be made in a clear, conspicuous, and easily understandable manner, as follows:

  • Disclosure Language: [Specify the exact disclosure language or format agreed upon, e.g., "Advertisement," "Sponsored," "#Ad," etc.]

  • Placement: [Specify where the disclosure will appear - beginning of post, end of post, within the content, etc.]

  • Visibility: [Ensure the disclosure is easily noticeable and not hidden or unclear]

  • Compliance with Regulations:

I understand and agree to comply with all applicable advertising regulations, including but not limited to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines or any other relevant local regulations governing endorsements and advertising.

Duration and Termination:

This endorsement disclosure agreement is effective from [Start Date] and will remain in effect until [End Date] or until terminated by mutual agreement or if the endorsement ceases.

Signature and Date:

Endorser/Influencer Signature:                               


Company Representative Signature:

Company Representative Signature:                               


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